Hey, gang! I’m celebrating! I mentioned in my previous post that I’ve just had a gaggle of therapists – my first class – complete BlogStart for Therapists so I want to give all of you who are bloggers an opportunity to share with each other:
- your name,
- credentials,
- geographic location, and
- a link back to your blogs.
Heads up, though – this is just for those of you who are actively blogging. Please don’t link back to your webpage unless it is your blog. (If you do link back to anything other than you blog, I will delete your comment.)
This will give all of you an opportunity to check out how other therapists are blogging, make some new connections in our online community, and share some geographic-specific resources, too! Feel free to invite your friends! The more . . . the merrier!
Ready? Set. Share your blogs here!
Excellent idea, Tamara! I love discovering and reading other therapists who blog.
As for me, I am Annie Barker, LCSW, LIMHP, in private practice in Omaha, NE. My blog, Out Of My Mind, is located on my practice website at http://barkertherapyarts.com/out-of-my-mind/. Thanks for letting us share here!
Hi, Anne! I’ve missed your voice here! Don’t know if I told you but yours was one of the examples I used as a gold standard for blogging in BlogStart for Therapists. I hope you got lots of web traffic from my participants checking out your blog.
Nice site Anne. You have some practical and helpful material.
I appreciate the calm, uncluttered feel of your site.
Good morning, Tawnya! Hey, I know you have a great little blog! How come you aren’t sharing your info with us today?
– Megan Sigmon-Olsen, M.S.W., LICSW
– Located in St. Paul, Minnesota
– Blog is about parenting teens & as a teen, how to work with parents.
– http://counselingmn.com/
Hi, Megan! Thanks for joining us here! Hey – I’m having difficulty accessing your blog. I’ve approved your info but need you to let me know when you last posted on your blog so that I can actually find the page. When I use the link above, I am directed to a website rather than a blog.
Hi Tamara,
I last blogged about two weeks ago. I changed my blog so that it no longer has “wordpress” in the actual web address. Are you being directed to http://www.sentiertherapy.com or http://www.counselingmn.com? My blog is http://www.counselingmn.com. Let me know if this clarifies things. Thank you!
Megan, perhaps it was an issue at my end because now I can access your blog just fine! Does that mean you went from WordPress.com to .org?
Hey, Megan – I just noticed that your blog is not at all connected to your clinical site. Just wondering why you chose to do that. It would boost your search engine ranking to put one of these sites within the other.
Ooh! What a great idea! I need some new therapy blogs and connections! How timely!
I blog about women and stress: relationship stress; parenting stress; emotions that cause more stress like anxiety and feeling like a failure; financial stress; holiday stress; and more stress related topics.
I can’t wait to check out the others’ blogs! Thanks for the invitation to connect and share!
Hmmmm. Not sure what’s going on here, Tammy. I keep trying to reply to you and keep losing my comment. Argghhhhhh! So happy to find your blog and have a great resource for stress! Sweet! I look forward to networking with you but wait . . . . WHERE ARE YOU?
your name: Dawn Friedman MSEd LPC-CR
geographic location: Columbus OH
blog url: http://www.columbusfamilycounseling.com/blog/
I wrote a personal blog for a little over a decade and won several awards for it as well as mentions in Time Magazine and the Washington Times and a couple of other mainstream publications. As a writer it was great exposure and it got me some byline opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. For awhile I did blog consulting, too,which is why I gave you a little bit of a hard time about your truncated feed! 😉 But I burned out on that and went back to school to get my counseling degree. I still like to build WordPress sites for friends/organizations on the side because I like the excuse to rummage around in WP themes. Right now I’m working to find my professional blogging voice now and that’s been a challenge but a fun challenge.
Hey, gang . . . . If you are linking in this particular post to a website rather than a directly to a blog, I am not approving your comment. Sorry – Not usually this picky but celebrating therapists’ blogs today.
If you haven’t started blogging yet, feel free to drop back in down the road to add yours right here. Happy to add to you the list when you are ready!
My blog posts are on the front page (in the slider) but here’s a link directly to the archives: http://www.buildingfamilycounseling.com/blog just to make it easier. 🙂
Hello! Thank you for this opportunity.
I’m Nicole Schwarz, MA, LMFT. I recently moved from St. Paul, MN to St. Louis, MO. My license has yet to transfer to my new state, so I’m not currently providing therapy, but I’m still blogging at http://www.imperfectfamilies.com.
Nicole! Welcome back to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I’ve missed you here! And, thanks for sharing your blog with us, too! I love the name – Imperfect Families – and I especially love this post that you wrote back in February – 25 Simple (but Powerful) Parenting Phrases.
I can so relate to that relocation, too. I moved from Texas to Colorado in 2002 and it was like starting all over again at 40-something. Perhaps you’ll have some relocation-wisdom to share in a guest post here . . . ? Think about it! I know my readers would love to learn from your experience.
I am enjoying the content of your blog and love the title! Excellent.
Hi, Emily! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! Thank you for your kind words. Please drop back in here to share a link to your own lovely blog, your credentials and where you are located! I know there are therapists here who would like to network with you and learn from you, too.
I dropped in to your blog and wanted to comment on “5 Treasured Lessons . . . ” and also the one on how to choose a therapists but 🙁 you don’t permit commenting. I hope you’ll change your mind on that and let us chat with you there (and here, too)! Please do drop in often to join the conversation and let me know if there is anything I can do to support you on your journey!
I’m in eastern North Carolina in Greenville. I’m in the middle of Raleigh and the beach- about an hour away from each. You’ve got me thinking I need to do tweaks to the website to make it apparent how to find me! Keep it coming!
Tammy, you’re a North Carolinian! I lived in western Carolina for 10 years, went to Happy Appy for my undergrad, and all my mom’s relatives are still there in Avery County! I left there in 1983 and I STILL have that syrup-y Southern accent! Oh, how I have fantasies of living back there again!
And, yes, yes, yes! Do tweak that website to make it obvious how to find you! One of the things I know is that by showing a real live location (including a street address rather than a PO Box) you actually increase the “trust factor.” It gives the appearance – whether accurate or not – that you are more stable, reliable, and committed to doing your work.
Hey Tamara and all!
Great idea and can’t wait to check out others’ info. Here is my blog:
Kate Daigle, MA, NCC, LPC
Denver, Colorado
Thanks, Kate! It’s always a pleasure to point others in your direction!
Thank you, Tamara! Can’t wait to check out some of these other blogs! For those who don’t know about my blog, it’s focused a lot on body image, disordered eating, and developing a healthy, accepting sense of self! Hope others find it helpful and would love any comments or suggestions!
Thanks for doing this Tamara. I’ve been writing a blog about gay relationships and self-esteem since October 2010. It’s at http://gaytherapist-sanfrancisco.com/blog/
I’m a psychotherapist working with clients in San Francisco and I just started doing coaching work via Skype worldwide.
Adam D. Blum, MFT
Hi, Adam! It’s so nice to meet you! Thank you for sharing your blog with us here and doing the work that you do. You are talking about my family and I appreciate you paving the way for others to do the same.
I hope you will drop back in often to join the conversations here and check out some of the other folks’ blogs here, too! I look forward to networking with you!
Hi Tamara,
I LOVE your site and blogs. I’ve learned so much from you! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take a look and follow each other.
As for me, I am a therapist in private practice in NYC. I specialize in three areas: Adoption, General Therapy and Neurofeedback. You can find me (and my blog posts) at: http://www.emilysrosenlcsw.com. I just added a post today.
Hi, Emily! Thank you so much for saying that! I love YOUR blog and am so bummed that you don’t allow commenting! It makes me CRAZY!!! I especially loved your post, Adoption Language, from earlier this month. The story reminds me once again how clueless we can be when using our words and how powerful language can be.
Also loved your post Families and Boundaries. In this culture, we don’t give enough air time to families of choice.
Thank you for sharing your blog with us. I look forward to networking with you and learning from you, too!
Hello! I haven’t been over here in a while and looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. I only started blogging a couple months back, but would love some feedback from others!
Jamie English, LCSW
Arlington, TX
Hi, Jamie! Thanks so much for dropping in here and sharing your blog with us! I’m not sure why I didn’t see you earlier today. I must have been in too big of a hurry. In any case, I love your current post – the one about driving yourself crazy. You make an excellent point about needing to be less certain and asking more questions . . . and being willing to challenge ourselves and our colleagues / friends as easily as we are willing to challenge our clients. It’s an important message that we cannot hear too often. Thank you for reminding us all!
And, on a different note, you’re in my old stompin’ grounds! I’m a native Texan (lived in Tarrant County – played in both Dallas and Tarrant Counties) who relocated in 2002 to Colorado. Always happy to connect with Texans! Perhaps when I’m back there we can meet in person! In the meantime, I’m happy to network with you here and hope you’ll join the conversations often.
Hi there! Yes ma’am….I am in the Arlington area and would love to get together when you visit!!! Thanks for the feedback on the blog. I haven’t been blogging long but love to have this as a resource for clients and others!!!
Excellent! I’ll try to make that happen, Jamie! I’ve actually been thinking about holding a workshop when I come down there. Not sure what that might look like or if it will happen this year but definitely thinking about it if there is enough interest.
Great idea! Thanks for getting this started. Hmmm, this reminds me that I need to post my newest blog…which I still need to edit. Question…how often should one be blogging? I am currently trying to post one a month. But I am not sure if I should be posting more often. Thanks!
I am going make sure I follow all of you other therapists that commented as well!
-Lyndsey Fraser, MA, LMFT
-Minneapolis, MN
-Couples issues and concerns
Thanks for offering this, Tamara! You’re really on a roll with your writing these days. Gets me thinking about what to write about next… Here’s my info:
Ann Stonebraker
LPC in private practice in Austin, Texas
http://www.labyrinthhealing.com/category/blog (my private practice blog)
http://counselinginterns.com/blog/ (my resource site for counseling students & new therapists)
I post every Tuesday morning in the Labyrinth Healing blog. And I post about once a month at counselinginterns.com!
Ann, I *love* your logo! I looked through your private practice blog and especially liked the post on “Relationship Detox”.
What a great list of blogs! I hope this grows to be huge!
I’m Kat Mindenhall, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Denver, CO. My blog focuses on expanding psychological flexibility in all areas of life and relationships. I JUST started incorporating video as well. Thank you for this opportunity Tamara!!
Kat, I enjoyed your video on psychological flexibility so MUCH!! Your entire site feels very peaceful and the video is so valuable, professional and just great. I have considered putting together a video but haven’t found the courage yet, and you’ve inspired me. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Tamara, This afternoon I watched the youtube of our first class and last class. I hope you are patting yourself on the back for the vast improvement in your electronic skills in just 4 weeks.
My blog is the last page :Blog: on my website. This week I am going to actually practice what you preach, or at least, a drop of what you preach. Wish me luck I just committed online!
I post long reads and essays about the therapeutic process, various analytic models -and the therapist’s experience of the process. I try to address the need for transparency and demystification in the analytic therapies. I write with supervisees and educated consumers in mind.
Great way to catalog resources Tamara!! 🙂
Martha! What a surprise and treat to find you here! Hey, gang – this is my favorite blogger ever! She’s out of New York City.
Martha, were your ears burning in April? I used you and What a Shrink Thinks in BlogStart for Therapists to show what great blogging is being done by therapists. I hope you got a bump in traffic and readers from it. Thanks so much for dropping in to connect with us here. If I was teaching a class in a university, yours is the blog that would be required reading!
Hope to find you back here again! Have a great day!
Marina Williams, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Private Practice in Jamaica Plain, MA
Hi, Marina! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I’m so glad you joined us today and hope that you’ll be back often to share in our conversations. I checked out your blog and loved your post (and the quote) about it never being too late. Wish you had allowed comments so I could have told you so on your blog.
I look forward to networking with you and hope you’ll be back often to join the conversations! Your voice is always welcome here.
Hey, Marina . . . I dropped back in to your website to find out but never saw . . . where ARE you geographically? Where do you provide counseling? Do you really not have it on your website or did I just miss it?
I have blogs!
I’m a psychotherapist, psychodramatist, author and trainer specializing in using and teaching experiential therapies, including psychodrama, family constellation work and similar methods, based in Racine, Wis., but connected to the world by Skype.
My blogs include: Midwest Psychodrama at http://midwestpsychodrama.blogspot.com which focuses on experiential therapies and healing processes.
I also post periodically on a blog I have with the local Caledonia Patch that focuses on holistic personal growth; posts are often picked up by other regional Patch links. The link is: http://caledonia.patch.com/users/karen-carnabucci/blog_posts
The Patch system (across the U.S.) is always looking for bloggers.
Hi, Karen! Thanks so much for dropping in here! I’ve missed hearing from you! So glad you are sharing your blogs with us today. (And, thanks for sharing about Caledonia Patch, too! I’ll share that with my BlogStart for Therapists series when we start back up in October!)
You’re welcome. I still want to do a guest blog for YOUR blog but have been busy writing books — second book, this one on eating disorders and psychodrama, just came out.
Karen! I’m so glad to hear that you are still interested in writing a guest post. You can find the link to my Guest Posting Guidelines at the top of this page under “About PPIO.” Congrats to you on the new book! So proud of you!
Hi Karen, ooooh I would be very interested in your book! I specialize in eating disorders (in Denver) and took a seminar a couple of weeks ago on dance movement therapy and EDs — EDs and psychodrama is something I’m eager to learn more about as well. Do you have info on where I can get your book?
(ps- congrats on writing and publishing two books! that’s a dream of mine :))
Kate, Karen is quite the guru with experiential work so I’m betting that book of hers is fabulous! By the way – who / where did you get the training on movement therapy? I’m so jealous!
It was through Castlewood Treatment Center – it was very informative!
Thanks for asking.
The book is “Healing Eating Disorders with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods
Beyond the Silence and the Fury.”
The link is:
where you can read the preface and two excerpted chapters.
If you give me your e-mail I’ll be glad to add your name to my e-mail newsletter for professionals.
Hey, Karen! Thanks so much for sharing the link so that we can take a sneak peek at your work. I just did and it looks really great – even to a therapist who doesn’t work with eating disorders! So happy to share this with my readers! Thank you!
Karen, thank you, I will check it out!! I would love to be added to your email list: kate@katedaiglecounseling.com. Looking forward to learning more about your work!
Hi Karen, I really like the “flip card” style on your Midwest Psychodrama blog, what a great interactive experience that is, and of course lots of great information. Thanks for sharing!
I have been been following your bog and other social media for some time now. You have been so inspiring as I get my Private Practice started. I am focusing on parents of children with special needs. I have other areas I focus on as well and blog about those as well. You can find me at SherriSiegel,org. I am just getting started with all of this, but I am diving right in and giving it my all 🙂 So far, so good 🙂
Hi, Sherri! Thanks so much for following me here and elsewhere! I so appreciate the feedback that I’m on track with what you guys are wanting and needing. I love that you have seen the wisdom in focusing your marketing on a specific niche. That’s such a smart way to stand out from the masses of therapists who position themselves as generalists. I’m happy to have your blog shared here and looking forward to supporting you on your journey! Let me know how I can help!
– Amy Kalas, MM, MT-BC, Board-Certified Music Therapist
– Miami, FL
– My blog provides information to teachers and therapists about music therapy. I include songs, activity ideas, videos and resources! http://whmusictherapy.com/blog/
Amy Kalas! Fancy meeting you here! I was hoping you might add your blog to the mix – quite possibly the cheeriest blog online! Thank you for taking time to share it with us today! Hoping more of your music therapy buddies will be joining us soon!
I’m an MFT intern in Baltimore, MD. I am an active musician and artist, as well as a couple and family therapist. I blog about my journey through life and the tail end of graduate school, give advice here and there on relationships and the experience of therapy, and even sometimes post a song I wrote. My goal is authenticity in everything I do, so I try to go with whatever comes out. I’ve been a bit lax on the blogging lately, mainly because I’m busy with internship, but I hope to get some new posts up soon!
Hi, Lauren! Thank you for dropping in here to share your blog! It’s so funny that you mention that you’ve “been a bit lax on the blogging lately” because I ran across your blog the other day and thought “This is a blog orphan” meaning I thought you might have abandoned her! So glad to nudge you back to blogging and look forward to networking with you here, too.
You mentioned you are in Baltimore but I noticed you were at one time with a band in Denver . . . . Are you headed back to Colorado after you graduate? Would be happy to connect face to face if you get here!
I am actually from Baltimore, but my husband and I moved out to Denver for about 3 years. We recently decided to come back home so unfortunately, I won’t be back to meet you face to face. I DID find out about you there, however – I saw you speak at the CCA convention last year. 🙂
Thank you for the blogging motivation and all the wonderful tips on opening and maintaining a private practice!
Lauren! I’m so sorry we didn’t have an opportunity to meet face to face! Thanks for coming to hear me speak . . . and your kind words, too. I hope you will be back often to join the conversations here. And, should you want to add a tiny little picture to your comments (on this blog and others), check out this post http://www.allthingsprivatepractice.com/how-a-tiny-picture-of-you-can-help-drive-traffic-to-your-website-or-blog/ .
Rachel Wynn, M.S. CCC-SLP
Boulder, CO
Looking forward to checking out everyone else’s blog. Check out my blog on Tuesday for a post about gleaning information from therapists with private practices in other disciplines.
Hi, Rachel! I’m so tickled to hear from a Speech & Language Pathologist! Welcome and thanks for sharing your blog with us! I’ve already been to check it out and I love that you are thinking outside the box as you think about developing your private practice. I hope you will not be shy here. (We have quite a few folks outside of mental health that lurk here and occasionally reach out back channel; but, they rarely join the conversations.) I am all about cross-pollinating from different fields. There is a lot we can learn from each other and I suspect there is a lot I can learn from you. I’m looking forward to it!
I’m a sex-positive Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the Seattle area who serves individuals, couples, and polyamourous partners engaged in alternative sexuality and lifestyles. Additionally, I see people with disabilities who want to develop their sex life, develop a healthy primary relationship, and potentially explore non-monogamy. I write a mental health blog that is part of my therapy website.
Please see my blog at…
Mandy Traut, MA, LMHC
Hi, Mandy! Thanks so much for dropping in to share our blog. What fascinating work you do! I’m looking forward to checking out your blog and hope you’ll drop back in often to chat here at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Please do send your Seattle colleagues this way!
Great idea, Tamara!
Tracy Cooper, MA, LPC-Intern
Dallas, TX
Hi, Tracy! Welcome back! I just found San Antonio Counselors Networking Group blog yesterday but didn’t know about yours! I’m looking forward to checking it out later today. Thanks for taking time to drop in here and share it.
Hey, how is your practice and SASCNG going? Are they both growing? Wishing you much success!
Thanks Tamara!
Yes, they are both growing! The SACNG now has more than 300 members. Thank you for your encouragement and well wishes.
You’re so welcome, Tracy! 300?! WOW! That’s awesome! I hope to find more of you guys dropping in here in the next few months!
Hi Tamara,
We’re getting to be cyber friends, you keep having great blogs yourself! I’d love to have the response you get of so many comments. Congrats to you! I have yet to find my blog voice and blog fingers for typing it. I may write one or think of one, but the fingers don’t do their part.
My blog is titled Integrated Wisdom and it’s at
I have another which is http://livingtomakesenseofitall.com It’s become the neglected older child 🙂
Kimberly, yes we are! Thanks so much for sharing your blogs. Just checked them out and love the post you’ve published with the book list! As far as I’m concerned, one can never have too many books!
Hi Tamara,
This is a great idea! I’m a therapist in NYC who has been blogging since 2009. I have an office in Greenwich Village, and I see adults and couples. I specialize in working w/trauma. Aside from talk therapy, I’m also a hypnotherapist, EMDR and Somatic Experiencing therapist. Clients often come to me through my blog. I enjoy writing it very much. I also Twitter my blog posts, place them on LinkedIn and FB as well as well as including them in my Psychotherapy Daily Newspaper.
My blog is: http://psychotherapist-nyc.blogspot.com
All the Best,
Josephine Ferraro, LCSW
Josephine, thank you so much for dropping in here to share your blog with us today! I do love my New York therapists! Just checked out your blog and am really going to enjoy reading it. I particularly enjoyed your post (a while back) on erotic transference. I hope you will drop back in often and join the conversations here. I look forward to networking with you, learning from you, and sharing what I know, too!
By the way, if you want to know how to get a Gravatar to show up next to your comments, you can find out how (It’s easy!) right here.
I’m an integrative psychotherapist in private practice in London, (hope the Atlantic doesn’t exclude me, I love the way the internet lets me talk to people around the world!). I blog about life and therapy topics that that interest me and that rile me at http://thefiftyminutehour.wordpress.com/. Would love to have feedback and looking forward to reading others.
Johanna! You are absolutely welcome here! I love the depth of knowledge and breadth of the community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out! I’m so glad you found us! I hope you will tell your friends and colleagues and that they will join us here, too! I’ve actually been wondering if there are . . . email discussion lists for therapists in England that I might be able to lurk on. Do you know of any that you can refer me to?
I’m looking forward to checking out your blog, Johanna. Love the name already.
Hey – I was talking with a colleague this week who will be going to London (I think) later this year and is interested in meeting with other psychotherapists. I told her that psychodynamic modalities are still much more in favor there than they are here in the USA. Is that accurate?
This is a great idea Tamara! I have loved reading the blogs of my fellow therapist. Been blogging for a little over a year and I have to say, blogging is my number 1 marketing tool for new clients.
Much success everyone!!
April St. John
April! Come back, please and tell us about your location and credentials, too! We want to network with you!
I’ve been Blogging – i.e. article writing – since 2009. Topics that fuel me are chronic problems with anxiety, complicated grief, relationship addiction, trauma, 2nd stage addiction recovery, self worth, and generally how to heal from ‘the pain that won’t go away’. I’m located in Vancouver Canada but work with adults all over North America by phone. Catch my blog at http://www.glynissherwood.com/blog.php
You are such a talented networker, Tamara !
Thank you for taking the time to initiate such a wonderful endeavor 🙂
I blog about a variety of topics that would be of interest to social workers and other mental health professionals such as: a monthly post on free mental health webinars, weekly (or biweekly) posts on the best in mental health posts, interviews with various experts in the field, key take-aways from various conferences and more.
My Social Work Career Development blog is at http://www.dorleem.com.
Best regards,
Dorlee!!!!! I’m so tickled to find you here! Thank you! I love having opportunities for my readers to meet you and find the great resources you continue to curate on your blog. (And, I’m just realizing that some of my most favorite mental health professionals are New Yorkers! Wonder what that is saying about this southern girl?)
By the way, Dorlee, I’m hoping you’ll be back this year with another guest post here this year. Let me know when you’re feeling inspired!:)
Hi Tamara…I am an LMHC, a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. I am located in Coral Springs, Florida. Tamara, I love your energy, generosity and drive! I do blog, use twitter and have two facebook pages. I have a weblog with posts that are divided into relationships, mindfulness and featured…the latest post can be found at http://acaringcounselor.com/archives/kindness-as-medicine-for-the-soul. I also have a blog at http://liveindmoment.blogspot.com/ I love to write and my target audience are those who are interested in seeking emotional wellness through the body, mind, heart connection. I love working with couples and watching them transform their relationship from a place of disconnection and resentment to a place of healing, safety and love. Thanks for this venue and for being such an inspiration!
Hi, Cindy! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out and thank you for your kind words!
I love the way you have taken the time to introduce yourself here – both to me and to our ever-growing community. That’s a really smart way to get connected with other folks, and graciously (in a not-so-pushy way) extend your reputation while giving others a place to hang their hat on your name. Kudos to you!
I look forward to checking out both your sites. Thanks for sharing them. By the way . . . here’s How a Tiny Picture of You Can Help Drive Traffic to Your Website or Blog. It’s another great way to help people feel connected to you.
I hope you’ll be back often to chat and let me know if I can help you grow your practice in some way.
Emily Keller
Transactional Analysis Practitioner
San Antonio Texas (Air Force wife … moving back to Chapel Hill NC area in a couple of years to join/direct another practice.
I don’t have a unifying theme/niche … which might be a good thing to reach out to a coach for. I am enjoying the themed blogs listed above — a lot of great content and I look forward to commenting/networking with you all!
Hi, Emily! Thanks for dropping back in to share your info! I love TA and hate that so many new therapists these days have no idea what it’s about. Good to know I have someone to refer to in Texas that is TA-savvy.
If you need help fleshing out that niche, let me know! It’s one of my favorite things to consult with therapists on because it makes it so much easier to set yourself apart from your colleagues!
Have a great week!
A TA blog is a great idea. I love the theory and the people who use it — it is a wonderful professional community. A friend and I are working on a TA niche that combines play therapy … that is a couple months away from launching.
Emily, I’m looking forward to seeing how that all comes together! Know of anyone else combining TA and play therapy? Know of any blogs address the intersection of these two modalities? I’m thinking this can be a great niche for you guys! Please do drop back in to let us know when you launch!
Hello Tamara:
This is an interesting site and I often find myself reading many of your articles. Thank you!
I’m not in private practice yet, but I have goals to finally move into this endeavor. In the meantime, I’m enjoying time as an author and regular blogger on PsychCentral blogs.psychcentral.com/caregivers, which focuses on issues essential to families, parents, caregivers, and friends of individuals suffering from severe or untreated mental health problems. As an LPC trainee in PA, I post quite a bit of information from my own experience in clinical, hospital, RTF, and school settings on my blog. The site is more for parents, families, and caregivers so feel free to pass it on!
TherapistTee! (I wish I knew your real name:) Thank you for taking time to drop in here to read my blog and also to share your blog with all of us! If you’ve hung out here very often, you already know that there are lots of therapists-in-training and new therapists, too that are part of this community and I am honored to count you among them I hope you will drop in here to chat often.
I’m looking forward to checking out your blog this week, too! It sounds like you share great info for families and loved ones. Thank you, thank you! It’s an important niche to serve! Let me know if I can help in any way!
Hi Tamara, thank you! I love parents, families, and caretakers. I’ve learned over time how important they are to serve and how overlooked they are in the mental health system as well. I will certainly re-visit your site as I grow my brand and start my practice.
All the best
we have the same name, which is why I used my Twitter name =)
Hi Tamara,
Thanks for this! I love to read therapist’s blogs. I am trying to keep up with my blogs regularly. My latest is here:
Karla! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out and thank you for sharing your blog with us! I just read your touching post on Mother’s Day and look forward to returning there often. Your thoughtfulness and your transparency truly set your blog apart from the masses. Thank you!
I hope you will return here often to join our conversations. I think you will find the online community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out to be resource-rich and supportive of therapists at all stages of their development. If there’s anything I can do to support you as you grow your practice, just let me know!
I am a Therapist, Recovery Ally an Consultant based in Adelaide Australia. My particular interest and experience areas are: recovery from eating and body struggles; childhood and adolescence issues; life transitions; and strengthening connections to self and other people.
I am quite new to blogging but am very passionate about sharing experiences, ideas, knowledge, information and strategies.
My blog can be linked to here: http://chrysaliscyc.com.au/blog/
I enjoy your blog.
… hope springs eternal.
Ellie, I meant to tell you that you can get a gravatar – a little image of you to pop up when you comment here or else where. Here’s a link to really simple instructions for setting one up. Hope to “see” you soon!
Hi Tamara! I’m a little late commenting here, but I noticed that you mentioned it on the ACA Forum and made my way here. I have had a blog for a while and have recently made it an active endeavor.
I have a Colorado LPC and have a private practice in Littleton, Colorado.
My blog is at http://lifepathscounseling.wordpress.com.
There isn’t yet a specific focus in the material I post there – but I’ve noticed several comments above along those lines. I am working on my blogging skills and it seems that putting a little tighter focus on my material would be a good thing!
Thanks and now I am going to look at all these wonderful blogs!
Cathy Wilson! Fancy finding you here! I’m so tickled you’ve joined us! And, thanks for sharing the URL for your blog! I look forward to dropping in later this weekend.
Yes, one of the keys to making a blog that gets traffic is keeping a very tight focus – ideally on a therapist’s niche. There are several reasons for that:
1. It makes your blog more memorable than if it’s a generic therapist’s blog;
2. It becomes a “destination” for information and resources; and,
3. It increases the likelihood that your site will be found by the search engines in organic searches.
And, you know what the proof is? If you’ve already looked over the folks in this community who have left their blogs’ URLs in these comments, I’m betting money that the only ones you remember at all are the ones that reference a very tight niche. That alone should be incentive for folks to tighten up their focus:)!
Hey, Cathy, I hope you’ll be back often to chat and share what you know so that we can learn from you and share what we know, too!
Thanks for such a nice welcome, Tamara. I have spent a very nice Sunday morning perusing all these wonderful blogs. What a lot of great work has gone into them! I hope that as my blogging skills improve, so does my familiarity with how to subscribe to other blogs so I can get an email when a new post is added. I couldn’t find a way to do that on some of these! Thanks also for the inspiration to get this part of my practice going.
It’s good to have your energy here, Cathy! Your blog is already off to a good start and you’ll be amazed at how quickly the quality of your blogging will improve once you make the commitment to post on a regular schedule.(Looking forward to you dropping back in in a few months to say I told you so!:)
The challenge of subscribing to other blogs isn’t your challenge, Cathy. It’s the blogger’s job to make it oh-so-obvious and oh-so-easy for readers to subscribe. Not all bloggers know to include this little feature. And, some blogging platforms don’t even allow you to get email updates of new posts. (One more reason I’m such a huge fan of WordPress blogs!) When I can’t find a way to subscribe to a blog that I want to follow via email, I send the blogger an email asking if that’s possible. Sometimes bloggers will not have done a very good job of highlighting that feature. Here’s a link for anyone that is interested in signing up to receive updates for Private Practice from the Inside Out via email.
There is another way to follow blogs, too. It’s called an RSS feed. I need to write a blog post about RSS so that everyone will know how to use it.
Tamara, have you been able to access my blog? I would love to hear what you and others think. You should be able to go to selected blog posts now, per your previous concern.
-Mandy Traut, MA, LMHC
Hi, Mandy! Thanks so much for dropping in today. I’m still having trouble accessing your blog through this link. Not sure what the problem is.
I am loving blogging, almost daily. Wonderful fun to find this website and list of commenters, and all the posts and links here! Fabulous! I find my blog is making a huge difference for people, I get tons of emails and comments and truly enjoy the personal contact.
Grace! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! How did you find me here? I’m so glad to find your blog. I love how you’ve played with your name and incorporated it into your work. It’s lovely! And, I am really loving your Year of Inquiry! This is such a beautiful process that you have lined out. I know your must do beautiful work with people.
I hope you’ll be back to chat with us and share what you know. I’m looking forward to learning from you and networking with you, too!
Hi Tamara,
This is a great post. Thanks for creating such a thriving community for therapists to learn more about marketing and private practice.
I’m in Denver and Greenwood Village and am needing to beef up my blogging activity.
My next big task is to tackle migrating my main website from GoDaddy’s Website (so not) Tonight to WordPress as Website Tonight doesn’t integrate blogs. I assume this is bad for SEO, so I’ve neglected that blog.
So, for the time being, I’ve been putting my attention into my couple’s counseling website’s blog:
I hope I get to meet you in person very soon!
Allison Rimland, LPC
Hi, Allison! Thanks so much for dropping in here and introducing yourself! You’re absolutely right – GoDaddy’s platform for websites is less than ideal – the search engines love websites most when they have lots of pages. How do you get those pages? You blog, of course! You’ll love your new WordPress site, too. It’s very intuitive and easy to use. Is there something I / we can do to support you in migrating that blog over to WordPress in the next week or so? If so, just let us know! (Perhaps if you declare it right here and commit to coming back next Friday to update us, the job will really get done? Or . . . perhaps something else is getting in the way and you need a little support in problem-solving?)
I can’t help you with the technical aspects of migrating your blog but I can refer you to others who can. And, I’ve got two different blogging courses coming up – my beginning bloggers’ class called BlogStart for Therapists and I’m putting the finishing touches on my 12 week series on the advanced skills in blogging (the ones that make the search engines swoon!). They’ll both start this Fall so stay tuned if you are needing a little support in getting started or getting more attention from the search engines.
I look forward to checking out your couple’s counseling blog, Allison, and to meeting you in person, too! (I’m headed to the Sierra Tucson luncheon today. Perhaps we’ll have an opportunity to meet there?)
Hi Tamara,
I’ve only just realized that my blog wasn’t integrated and that GoDaddy has a WordPress hosting option to which I can migrate. So, at this point it is a technical barrier. I’m usually a DIYer, and have actually enjoyed creating my three websites over the years. However, I’m planning to outsource the technical piece of this migration because my in-house tech support (AKA, husband) might not be down with the heavy lifting this is probably going to entail knowing GoDaddy. Progress toward outsourcing is underway!
I would love to learn more about your advanced blogging course. Keep me posted, please!
Allison, let me know if you need referrals for web developers. I had to migrate my first site over to WordPress back in 2009 and it was the best thing I’ve ever done – obviously hired it out, too, and it was a smooth process. You will not be sorry!
Hi Tamara,
Yes, I would love to have your recommendations for web developers. I’ll send you an email.
Hi Tamara! You said to let you know when I got my feed working and I think I have but would love for you to test it and see if it’s still giving you problems. 🙂
Hi All!!
This is a great post! I’ll definitely make my way through all the awesome blogs! I’ve found so much help and support from this site!!
Mercedes Stanley, MSW
Los Angeles and Orange County, California
The blog is the basis for my parenting program and will eventually be a part of my private practice website when I get my license! I mostly focus on parenting as a relationship and how to help parents build that relationship!
Looking forward to connecting with all of you!!
Hi, Mercedes! Happy to have you as part of our community here and looking forward to learning more about your work! Let us know how we can support you and learn from you, too!
I just started a blog twelve weeks ago. Why? Because in my 20+ years as an integrative psychotherapist I could only see one person at a time. I’m using the blog to share interesting facts and curiosities I’ve encountered over the years. I am most interested in the interface between perennial wisdom traditions, noetic sciences, practical neuroscience, intuition and creativity. I like finding ways to make this information accessible and practical for your average citizen’s day. I times I use the blog to simply react to some of the nonsense that concerns me in popular culture! I’m enjoying “downloading” my experience as I enter the last decade of my practice.
Hi, Mary! Thanks for dropping in here to chat today! So happy to learn about you and your blog! Love the niche that you are carving out for you!
I’m getting ready to host another 4-week round for BlogStart for Therapists – It’s a beginning bloggers class for those who want to learn more about how to blog for business. Then, in January, I’ll be launching a 12-session series for more advanced bloggers called From Blah to BAM! Brawny Blogging for Hungry Therapists Who Want to Get Known. Maybe you’ll want to join us! (Details on the more advanced class won’t go up until November / December.)
Hi Tamara! I thought I should drop back in on this list to say that I have moved my blog. The old URL is somewhere above but all the content has been moved to a page on my main website. It is now at http://www.lifepathscounseling.com/blog. And there should be a very clear “Follow” button in the lower right corner – if it isn’t there for anyone who takes a look, please let me know!
OK, so I wonder what is going on . . . . I just replied to this and . . . it’s no where to be found! ARgggghhhh!
Thanks, Cathy, for dropping back in here to update your info. I’m getting ready to start another round of BlogStart for Therapists and am happy to have another blog to share with the class!
Hello Tamara,
Thanks for the open invitation. I am a therapist based in Tucson Az, and my blog site is http://thistherapistsblog.com/ I use to blog to discuss my opinions on certain mental health issues, and from time to time I offer brief strategies the readers can use.
You’re so welcome, Ugo! One of the best ways to build traffic to a website is to start to connect with other therapists who are blogging and their communities, too! And, one of the best ways to connect is to start with an introduction! I dropped in to your blog this weekend to check it out and look forward to networking with you here and there, too!
Hi Tamara,
I stumbled upon your site just over a year ago, as I was just putting my toe in the water of writing a blog. By checking out the other therapists’ blogs listed on this thread, I was encouraged… now it has been almost a year since I’ve faithfully written a blog a week. I’m just beginning to feel it’s becoming “natural” for me…and even wrote a little handbook this year as well. I’ve developed a Pinterest board as a “visual index” of the images I use in the blog posts. (http://www.pinterest.com/mfmathews/) I recommend including Pinterest as part of a bloggers toolkit… at least half my viewers come through click-throughs from Pinterest.
I’m revisiting this thread a year later…. I intend to check out what the bloggers here have been up to for more inspiration. Thank You for your work here!
Mary Reilly Mathews, LCSWR Strategies of the Spirit Blog
Mary Reilly Mathews! You’ve made my day! That’s exactly what I had hoped would happen with this fabulous list! I’m getting ready to start a new round of BlogStart for Therapists next week and so I expect to have some new bloggers to introduce you to at the end of that class, too!
I’m a fan of Pinterest, too, for building a business and / or a blog. I won’t be addressing that until I get around to teaching my advanced blogging course. That should happen later this year.
I just checked out your beautiful blog and I’ll be checking out your pin boards soon. Congrats to you for putting in the effort and time. You’ve curated and amazing and resource-rich online presence in just one year!
Please do stay in touch! I’ll be adding your blog to those I show in BlogStart for Therapists as examples of great blogs! I hope it generates some traffic to your site and some new followers, too!
that would be great Tamara! I’d love constructive feedback / observations / suggestions!
Love this page. Thanks for setting it up! 🙂 It was very helpful to me a couple of years back when doing market research and to see what other therapists are doing in their blogs.
So, I thought I’d add myself now that I’m up and established.
I’m Joshua Howard, CHt, in private practice in Denver, CO. My blog is on my website: http://180theory.com/blog
Hi, Joshua! Thank you so much for taking time this holiday weekend to drop in and let me know that you found this useful! I really do need to update this with a new post.
I hope you’ll drop back in often to chat!