Needing Your Ideas for My New Blogging Course for Therapists
Hi, gang! I need your help . . . .
I’m gearing up to launch my advanced blogging course soon and decided that I need you guys to help me come up with a great name. It’s a 12-session series that shows therapists who are already blogging how to beef up their blogs to attract attention, build readership and community, too.
I don’t want to give away too much info just yet but I can tell you that this isn’t the basic stuff . . . . This is going to cover all the crazy important things that cost bloggers business or rankings with Google.
We’ll be talking about what to write about, coming up with ideas, formatting tricks, where to find images for your posts and what to do with them, and a whole lot more! There will be tons of info and resources parsed out over the entire course so that you have time to experiment with them on your own blog and learn what will and won’t work for you.
By the end of this series, you’ll know how to spiff up your blog and enchant your clients (and search engines, too)!
Here’s where you come in . . . . I need a name . . . a really great name for this blogging series. . . before I can launch. So here’s what I am asking from you . . . .
Put your thinking cap on. Get creative. And, leave me all your brilliant ideas for possible names. This is a brainstorming contest so all suggestions are welcome! I’ll collect all the names over the next 10 days and then I’ll make a decision! If I use your suggestion, I will give you FREE ADMISSION to BLOGSTART for THERAPISTS or a FREE ONE HOUR PHONE CONSULTATION with ME ! It’s your choice! Just leave your suggestions below! (More than one entry per person is welcome!)
How about “Blogging Credentials,” or “Blog School for Therapists?”
Tamara, I’m going to give this some thought. Are we allowed to give more than one suggestion? Otherwise, I’ll wait until closer to the deadline to commit to one.
Better Blogging for Therapists
Yes, this is what I was thinking.
Please send us a reminder email before the contest is up.
How about “Giving Your Blog The Treatment” or “Blog Therapy – The Protocol” or “Blog Therapy Treatment Manual” — sounds like a wonderful course, and much needed in our community!
Hi, Beth! Thanks so much for for the suggestions and the cheerleading, too! I’m really excited about pulling all this info together for you guys in one tight package! I’ve been blogging for six years now and just the other day learned that if you have too many tags on a post bloggers get penalized by the search engines. Looking forward to sharing all that kind of stuff and so much more!
Beef the Blog Without the Fat
Blogging for a Better Practice
Thanks, Bryce! This is getting to be FUN! Should have asked you guys months ago!
I’ve got a few ideas. This hits me at a time where I’ve been wanting to revamp and/or improve my blog so i’m excited to see this. I may have more if/when inspiration strikes me. Here they are:
1. Get Rid of Blogger Boredom for Good!
2. 12 Lessons for a Blog Makeover
3. How to Refresh a Blog and Bring in More Clients
4. Therapist Blog Master Class
5. Blogging Master Class for Therapist
6. 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Blog
7. How to Wake Up a Tired Blog to Build your Practice
Jill! Girl, your brain is on today! Thanks so much and keep ’em coming! Happy to help you rev up your blog and your clients, too!
I’ve had a slow client summer, and have been fairly motivated to want to do more writing with the time i’ve not been seeing clients.
How about “Public Practice: Blogging for Therapists”
Blogging for Better Business
De-fog Your Blog
Advanced Blogging Secrets
Brawny Blogging Tools
Everyday Blogging Secrets
Well, missy, you are on a roll this morning! Thank you!
Empower your practice blogging! The word empower is really strong in my heart for you! Hope you like it!
Thanks, Nelly! I hope that means that when you think of me and Private Practice from the Inside Out, “empower” is the word that comes to mind! I am thrilled if that’s the case!
How is your week going?
I do think about you and you do empower and inspire me! Rock star private practician!!!! My last few weeks have been so so, I am pregnant and experiencing nausea, and a bunch of other symptoms that I am not used to. One of the irritating symptoms is constant sleepiness, and I take daily naps now! So I am pregnant with baby and beginning my own private practice, so baby steps, and that’s why I am very invisible now Tamara! But I am looking forward to both baby and private practice and trying to take care of both of those priorities! How you been Tamara?! Sorry for complaining, I am usually go getter and very positive, so I am just being real and sharing about my life with you and with your inspiring group! Hope you have a great one!
Oh, Nelly! How exciting for you! When is that little one due? I’ve got several colleagues / friends who have just had or are getting ready to have babies and they are all a little nutty right now! Congratulations to you! Hope you are doing all the things you would tell your client to do if she was expecting – self care, self care, self care . . . .
And, when you get back around to thinking about marketing your business . . . get that gravatar put up here! You know! That tiny little picture of you that shows up alongside your comments, Nelly:)
Have a great day!
Blogging: The Prequel
Blogging, the I and Thou of It
Hi, Claudia! So glad you’re back online! Read about your computer saga! Thanks for the suggestions!
Nellie, welcome to the pregnant club! My first trimester was somewhat rough too with the nausea and I had a full client load! I survived by snacking, giving myself rest breaks and knowing when to go home, now I’m in my second trimester and much more energy, but client load slow so I’ve taken the time to recoup physically. Congrats and good luck, you can make it!
Jill congratulations!!! I am still on my first trimester, and I have all the crazy symptoms, nausea, exhaustion, etc! So proud of you for being able to have a full case load! Yeah you!!!! I am just beginning my private practice Ina few months, joining 2 of my friends who have an office for me to sublease! I am very excited and I hope to have my energy back! Enjoy this slow time in your practice now, you will be busy again before you know it! Do you know if it is a boy or a girl?! So happy for you Jill and loved your site, I am looking forward to getting to know you and hope you have a great Sunday!!!!
I found out Friday it’s a girl. THis is my second child, but we are in a different situation financially so having to save up to take maternity time. Let’s connect on facebook or google+ or something, you’ll get through the first trimester in no time (it flies by).
Tamara thank you so much! The baby is due in March, so he or she will be my birthday gift, as I was also born in March! I have never been pregnant so this is all new to me, all those methamarphosis are a complete new reality to me! I am a go getter type A person, and now if I do just one or 2 items on my to do list, I learned to be happy with that, because my energy level are super low now… So I am taking naps, eating, working part time in family bussiness( not related to therapy) and journal a lot, also came up with a book idea, and started writing notes on that! I hope to be energetic sometime soon, because there are still things I need to do in order to start my private practice, but baby steps for now I guess! About my picture, I do not have a blog yet, but I am going to very soon and will give you a link and of course attach my portrait! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!!!! You are a great woman and a rock star therapist and absolutely love your blog!!!!
Nelly, you are on such a fabulous, life-altering adventure! I hope you’ll keep us updated on your journey!
(And, by the way, you don’t need a blog in order to get your head shot included:)
I’ll play 🙂
Smart Blogging for Private Practice Success – highest score in my headline tool 🙂
Blogging for Private Practice Success
Blogging Secrets for Private Practice Success
Blogging to Grow Your Private Practice
Blogging Secrets to Grow Your Private Practice
Haha! So happy to have your suggestions, too, Becky! Thanks so much!
Becky, Can you say more about your headline tool? It sounds like you may know about a website or software that I don’t. 🙂
Hey Lauren,
Yes, the tool is called AdvantageBot. Helps you test headlines ahead of time for what is most likely to grab folks attention.
Thanks, Becky! I so appreciate you staying engaged to answer these questions! Hey, Becky – do you offer any kind of service so that bloggers can run their titles or at least their content through you for spiffing up? I know I’ve got blogging classes coming up in the next month or two but thinking that some might just prefer it if you write it or at least edit it for them . . . ?
Totally late in joining the party but…
Change Your Blog, Change Your Business: 8 proven strategies for blogging success
Stop Wasting Your Time! Proven blogging strategies to grow your business
Transform Your Blog from blah to BAM!
The Absurdly Fantastic “12-Weeks to a Better Blog” Premier Training with Tamara Suttle
Oh, Jenny! These are SO FUN! Thank you! (That writer in you is showing:)
Here are a few thoughts
l) Get it in gear – learn to blog!
2) Shifting gears….understanding the benefits of blogging!
3) Cognitive Cog—change your thinking about blogging!
4) Blogging –another cog in your business connection
5) COG…nitively speaking…let blogging work for you!
Deb, thanks so much! I’m loving your taglines, too!
Some more:
l) Creative Cog…You too can Blog!
2) Blog…the importance of dialogue …growing your business…
(I need that hour of consultation) 🙂
or add the word advanced in front of the word blog in all suggestions to differentiate it from the beginning class offered earlier 🙂
Ohhh, nice adition, Deb! Thanks!
Blog ON….. Rock Climber protocol before someone begins the climb:
Climber asks: On Belay?” (referring to the harness and carabiner secured)
Belayer Responds: “Belay on.”
Climber: “Climbing?”
Belayer:” Climb On”
Your picture is the carabiner with the rock face in the background.
Kathleen, love the play on words! Yes! But, I’m not getting your last line . . . . What do you mean?
Take your blog to the next level….12 secrets for better results!
Deb! I love it! You’re back with more! Thank you, thank you!
Blogging Dynamic – beyond the basics
Intelligent Blogging – making the most of your time and space
Blogtastic! Surpass the basics of blogging
Blog Power – how to use blogging to power up your private practice
Bloginating – bring more power to your blogging efforts
first thoughts after coffee!
Hi, Tracie! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! And, thanks for your caffeinated offerings! I’ll be back in touch on Monday with a winner!
Battling Blogger’s Block (play on to writer’s block) – how to spruce up your blog and make it work for you
Hi, Jurdene! And, welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I love the alliteration of Blogger’s Block! Thanks for the idea! I hope you’ll be back often to chat and share what you know, too!
l) Beyond the Basics: Blog Buster
2) Beyond the Basics: Make your Blog Buzz
3) Beyond the Basics: Blogging with Passion
4) Beyond the Basics: Blogging with Purpose
5) Advanced…Find Grind
6) “Grinding out Findings”
7) The Advanced Find Grind – The Therapists Toolkit for Getting Found on the Web!
Hey! You’re up workin’ on this early this morning, Deb! Love that you’re crankin’ out so many fun ones!
Beef up your Blog…make the connections that matter…
“Rock” your Blog….making it work for you!
Beyond Basic Blogging; How To Boost Your business
Thanks, Mary, and welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! It’s good to have your voice here!
I’ll be announcing the results of the contest here by Monday!
How about ‘ Get off the couch and blog’