I’ve been watching Stephanie Adams grow her business in totally unexpected ways even before she got licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Earlier this year she invited me to present in her first virtual conference – Mind Your Own Business – and I said “Yes!” because this gal is doing more than a few things right! One of the benefits to me is that she agreed to share with you guys what she is learning on her journey by guest posting right here. I’m looking forward to learning from Stephanie and hearing what you guys are doing with the information that she has to share.
(If you are interested in writing a guest post, check out the guidelines here.)
A Guest Post by Stephanie Adams, MA, LPC
If you’re like most counselors I know (myself included!), you get frustrated with how long it traditionally takes to build a full client load. You love what you do. You have the training and experience to genuinely help people. But you are not getting the client referrals you need. The bills are coming due. Your stress level is mounting.
Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing models are expensive and largely ineffective. People flip past paid advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and ignore a great majority of pay-per-click ads. Therapist directory advertising is tried-and-true, but at the same time you are one therapist among twenty or more trying to get noticed by a prospective client. Over time, directories may be reliable, but it won’t get you that influx of clients you need to jump-start your success.
You need something that will work fast. You need something exciting. You need something that will make people take notice.
A Different Way of Marketing
There is something out there that will do all that and more! It’s a way of marketing that is ethical, inexpensive, client-centered, and just fun to do! In business language, it’s called a telesummit, but you may have heard of it referred to by a number of different terms: virtual conference, online conference, online speaker series, expert lecture series – or any of a dozen other similar terms.
The concept is simple. It’s a gathering of experts sharing their knowledge on a specified theme. The benefits to the organizer and to those who attend are many. I’ve found out for myself how effective and fun a telesummit can be as I’ve been developing the first private practice business-building telesummit: Mind Your Own Business Virtual Conference, featuring incredible speakers including Tamara Suttle herself!
Some of the Benefits of Hosting a Telesummit
Here’s just a few of the things a telesummit can give you:
- Instant credibility. There’s something about being willing to gather together a group of people and facilitate growth that shows people you are committed to your subject! You don’t just say you are an expert on eating disorders, for example. You’re also putting in many hours of your own time organizing free education about it!
- Community. Private practice can be lonely and without support it’s easy to get off-track and discouraged. But during a telesummit, you have a half-dozen or more other presenters who all care about the same things you do. They are keeping you accountable and encouraging you to pursue your passion even more and your commitment to your clients, too.
- Speaking outlet. Whether you’re trying to break into the speaker circuit or you’re terrified to do so (like I was), a telesummit gives you an ideal opportunity to create for yourself the perfect speaking opportunity. You can talk about what you’re most passionate about in a way that feels most comfortable to you: phone, video, audio recording, etc.
- Relationship opener. People need to feel like they know who you are before they can open up to you about their deepest, darkest secrets. Hearing your voice or even knowing you are willing to talk about your passion on a telesummit is a low-threat way to vet a therapist before making an appointment. You’d be surprised. Before you even speak a word, you may have people calling you based your commitment to the telesummit alone.
- Low cost. Do you have a ton of money to invest in your private practice up front? I didn’t either! Telesummits are inexpensive. The biggest cost is time. Other than that, it isn’t outrageous. You can expect opportunities for free advertising to open up to you when you’re offering a free event like a telesummit. Under different circumstances those same outlets would be closed to you for direct advertising of your private practice.
- Fills in the gaps. No one can possibly know everything about a subject. But hosting a telesummit means you can be a complete source of knowledge by creating a well-rounded ensemble cast of speakers.
- Ethical. I hate, hate, hate slimy advertising methods. Don’t you? Though there are ways to do telesummits in a slimy way – baiting-and-switching promised free content with pushy sales tactics comes to mind – if you do it the way I recommend, you’re offering people a free way to get to know you and your passion and inviting them – not bullying them – into working with you.
- Adaptability. Have one weekend to do your summit? Do 20 speakers back to back. Want a longer, more engaged relationship? Do two speakers a week for six weeks (that’s what I’m doing!) Don’t have video expertise? Do audio alone. Schedule conflicts? Prerecord. Literally, you can make your telesummit what YOU need it to be.
So . . . What’s the Problem?
With these kinds of options, telesummits are tailor-made for counselors to market their strengths. But unfortunately, nobody’s using them. Why?
In my experience, there’s two reasons.
- When counselors hear the word “telesummit” it conjures up scary ideas of a complicated and esoteric process that you might need an extra degree to make use of. The word itself sounds like something that you’d hear from the mouth of a tech geek – so surely there’s no way you could make good use of it!
- It’s just a new idea for us. It’s something coaches have been getting comfortable with over the past few years, but now we’re starting to hear about it from other therapists!
We all know about in-person conferences, like the annual conference of the American Counseling Association, but the idea of a teleconference aimed at your potential clients – well, that’s something we don’t hear a lot about. I think it’s time to change that!
I won’t tell you it’s by any means easy work, but it is possible to do a telesummit that can get the results you’re looking for with very little time, little money, and even as a new voice in the field!
So how do you do that? Stay tuned! I’ll be giving you the ENTIRE overview of the steps that go into creating a telesummit for your business in 10 Steps To a Buzzworthy Telesummit That Creates Business and Genuine Client Benefit
Get Free Access to the Entire Mind Your Own Business Telesummit
In the meantime, you can have full access to a FREE telesummit on practice-building tips at the Mind Your Own Business Telesummit, which launched last night with my FREE training “9 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Private Practice And How To Stop.” Just click this link to find out how to attend this training and Tamara’s training, premiering August 27, “Blogging: The Very Best Way To Get Noticed And Get Clients.”
You can sign up right here for the entire The Mind Your Own Business Virtual Conference for FREE!
Have you ever thought about hosting a telesummit before? If you hosted one, what topic would you choose and why?
Stephanie Adams, MA, LPC maintains a private practice in College Station, Texas, USA. She co-founded The Counselors and Psychotherapists Network of NOrth Texas and added coaching to her practice for beginning counselors. You can also find her blogging for the American Counseling Association.
I love this post and feel like it may be just what my practice needs! So many people often recommend I do workshops about my specialty, Geriatrics, but between finding the right person to connect with and actually having the time to dedicate to all that it takes to compose a physical presentation, it is truly exhausting. I’m looking forward to learning more about the TeleSummit, especially if it means I can have something archived for future reference.
Christine, thanks for your comment! I think geriatrics would be an awesome area to group a telesummit around. You could focus on emotional issues common to the elderly and as a group teach attendees how to address them. Or you could focus on those who serve the elderly and teach them how to do so more effectively. There’s so many possibilities. It is a lot of work and it can be overwhelming – I’m in the middle of it and I’ll confess – but it’s so fun to immerse yourself in something you’re passionate about. My follow-up post will give you an overview of the steps that go into a summit, but I’ll encourage you to start backwards – asking yourself what you’d like to accomplish from a telesummit. You can work backwards from there to design one that fits your needs. It doesn’t remove all the work, but it can shave a LOT of time and frustration off of the planning process. Keep me posted about your progress, Christine!
Hey, Stephanie, thanks so much for staying engaged here with my community and being willing to share your great info. I’m a bit dismayed when guest bloggers just suddenly disappear from conversations that they actually started! I appreciate your voice in this community always but especially when it relates to your guest post!
Thank you for saying so, Tamara! I really love talking to other counselors, and I feel when people are kind enough to start talking to me after I write a blog, they deserve to have their thoughts answered! It’s largely why I switched the Beginning Counselor Blog to Blogger – the former service I had did not let me know when people commented and it was impossible to keep up. Thanks for allowing me to get to know your wonderful community!
Stephanie, I also really enjoy meeting so many counselors from around the world. However, I also want to point out that from a marketing perspective it’s also really smart to engage your audience. I am always stunned at those who say they blog but then turn off their option to receive comments or don’t encourage commenting or totally ignore commenting when a reader is thoughtful enough to take the time to share his / her thoughts with the blogger! That costs bloggers on so many different levels! (Argghhhhh! A soapbox to be continued in my blogging classes this fall for sure!)
I love it! Yes, there’s so many things we do that are counterproductive in our marketing. 2 1/2 years into my own business, I’m still smacking myself over things I didn’t do!
Can’t wait for your blogging class! I have to admit, my biggest blogging mistake so far has been not blogging regularly. Now I make sure Wednesdays = Beginning Counselor blog post, even if I can’t get it out till 5pm! Helps me stay accountable.
Christine, I think you’re going to find that a telesummit is MUCH less of a gamble and a really great investment of your time compared to putting on a face-to-face event. The reason I say that is that the financial cost is much less. But, the potential audience is world-wide. And, you must already know that with so many of us baby boomers flying toward our senior years, there is a hue knowledge gap and a huge service gap waiting for you to fill!
Let me know if I can support you in some way or help you connect to others who are also interested in geriatrics!
It’s true – it’s a time commitment but the financial isn’t nearly as bad as you think it might be. I will try to share as many of the resources I used as possible in my follow-up post.
Looking forward to it, Stephanie!
Thanks Tamara and Stephanie for your feedback. And Stephanie, thank you for being honest about your experience. It helps me get a better understanding for what I may be getting in to and know that my feelings are not uncommon. I’ve already connected with your group on Facebook and look forward to learning as much as I can.
I am glad we have gotten a chance to connect, Christine. Sometimes I think the best thing counselor groups do for me is help me realize I’m not alone. Glad you had that experience too. Take care!
Well, Stephanie, I think you’re about to become my next best friend! (Tamara was first. Lol) I just read this post and I listened to your training at the MYOB Cobference and I have to say you’ve got my juices flowing again. Ever since I became a counseling student, my eye has been on private practice and community service. Just before graduation, I got married, my mother died after a 25-year battle with breast cancer, I had baby # 1 and baby #2, and I have moved 4 times since I got married (Dec. ’09). I did everything I had to do to get ready to start the PP. But, now that I have my permanent license, I’m just so tired and feeling overwhelmed. You could say I have run out of gas. My babies are now toddlers, and as I listened to your training when you spoke of having a mission and a calling, I have to say I have two; restoring broken people to their original design and homeschooling my children. How I’ll do both at the same time, I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I am greatly thankful to God for putting you and this whole conference in my path. It’s been gas in my tank.
I loved reading this post because my husband and I have been talking about developing webcasts for counselors, but I think I could and should start developing some to begin my practice. I just think it’s time. I would probably do it on dealing with trauma and loss since I’m interested in working with breast cancer patients and preventing domestic violence.
Well, seems to me that it’s time to start working!
Very greatful and pumped,
Love that, Mariana! That’s exactly what we were hoping for – to give you a new view on how to touch the many people that you were meant to touch – including your little ones! Thank you for continuing to hang out here with us and for being open to new and different ways of growing your practice!
Blessings to you on your journey!
Thank you for the blessings and for the support, Tamara!
You are so welcome, Mariana! Happy to have you in our community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Mariana, so glad to be introduced to you and that my talk made a difference. You’re going to laugh – I was homeschooled all the way through high school. I do think there is something bigger than me that is driving this conference and that the connection between the message and those who need to hear it has been phenomenal. I cannot take any credit for that, I am just loving every minute.
I am absolutely thrilled that you are feeling energized and excited by the talk. As I mentioned in the talk, I messed up so royally – and felt so poorly about my ability – during those two years struggling to build a private practice that once I would learn how to do things better I just thought there has to be another way to teach this. We are doing a huge disservice to our clients if the way we turn out counselors is to drain them of all energy before they even started. Like you, no doubt, one of the reasons that I got into counseling was in order to better balance work and family – then I feel like I was tricked when I find out the only agency jobs I could get – if I could get them – would take me away from my family 40-50 hours a week and pay less than a living wage in most cases. No one gets into this field to be a millionaire, that’s not our goal. But it’s wrong that it’s normal for us to take from our family and work a second job in order to make this happen. It just doesn’t make for healthy therapists.
Okay, wow, I went on a little about that. Can you tell I’m passionate?
I believe we can change this. Coaches make enough to support themselves. We can do. That’s what this business training is all about. Each of our speakers is going to be telling you about an innovative and affordable/free way to grow your business. Webcasts, as you mention, is a brilliant idea in my thoughts! I would be happy to share your trainings with my folks – just let me know. I would love to learn myself how to treat breast cancer patients and their families, especially from someone who has done it successfully. I would go!
You can absolutely do this, Mariana! You are here for a purpose!
Thanks for being my new best friend. 🙂
It knocked my socks off to read that you were homeschooled!!! Thank you for injecting me with your passion. We will have to continue talking. See you on Facebook! AND, you are doing a wonderful job!!!
KUDOS my friend!
Thanks friend! Guess it’s proof that homeschooling produces general awesomeness, eh?
I have also joined Mind Your Own Business and look forward to growing and enhancing my work. My specialities are grief and loss, chronic pain and the trauma/attachment issues that are normally keeping people stuck. I am very excited about this opportunity and very grateful that all of you are so willing to share your knowledge. It is a great field we have all chosen to work in.
Delphine, so good to see you here! You are such an asset to the group.