Michael Paquette is a counselor who has recently moved to Chicago, Illinois. He left a comment on this blog asking for help finding places to network with other therapists there. I did a quick search through past posts here and found a couple of places that had been mentioned before (and several more that no longer maintain a web presence). Here they are:
So I thought I would toss this back to you guys. I know I’ve got quite a few search-savvy therapists here so . . . wherever you are, please share with me any recurring network opportunities for therapists that you are aware of.
Based on the traffic to this blog, if each one of you posted one unique networking opportunity, we would easily have over 10, 000 to choose from in the next twelve months. So, let’s show Michael how resourceful you can be!
The Chicago Therapist Listserv is a very good resource, especially for issues related to insurance or finding groups, inpatient settings, etc. If he wants to get hooked in with this listserv let me know. Julie
Julie! Thank you so much for sharing this! This is an excellent resource and from the looks of it, it remains a very busy listserv!
Hello – I’m a psychotherapist expanding in the downtown area and would love to to connect on the chicago listserv. Appreciate any assistance you can provide. Rene Berlind, LLC
Hi, Rene! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out and congrats to you on your expansion! If you are active on Facebook, you might also want to join my Facebook group and post your request there, too! Here’s a link to the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/PrivatePracticefromtheInsideOut/ .
Good afternoon Rene,
Welcome to the downtown area. I live downtown and am currently in the process of beginning to look for/start my own practice in the South loop of Chicago’s downtown area. I wish you the very best and would love to connect.
Have a great day.
Michael Paquette
Thanks Michael- best of luck.
Hi, Michael! Thank you so much for taking time to drop into Private Practice from the Inside Out to connect with Rene. I so appreciate the collegiality and support you bring to this space!
Hi Michael!
I currently have a private practice in Michigan, but am looking forward to a move to Chicago in the next year. I will be living in the south loop! I would like to learn more about your practice, and potentially establish a peer supervision type group. Also, if this is your first time establishing a practice, I am happy to share anything I’ve learned from my experience. Any interest?
Hi, Natalie! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! So happy to help you make connections here! I look forward to networking with you!
Hi Natalie,
Thanks so much for your interest and your message. I would very much like to connect when you’re settled out here. This is going to be my first time in private practice but I have not quite gotten there yet. I did not realize that the licensing process in IL would take as long as it has and I have completed the first stages but will be expecting my final independent license next Spring. I have just started the process of planning for what would need to go into either joining or establishing a practice and would welcome the opportunity to connect and explore the possibility of a supervision group.
Thanks for reaching out!
I hope you guys will drop back in if / when you establish a supervision group to share the info here AND in my Facebook group, too.
– North Texas Chapter of the APT: monthly meetings listserv networking http://www.texasplaytherapy.org
– North Tarrant Mental Health Professionals: monthly meeting, web page to list your practice, list serve. http://www.ntmhp.org
– Animal Assisted Therapy Professionals: a Yahoo list serve http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/AATprofessionals/info
– EFMHE – Equine Facilitated Mental Health and Education listserv : A yahoo list serve http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/EFMHE/conversations/messages
– Association for Play Therapy APT List serve: A member benefit of the Association for Play Therapy contact APT or access: info@a4pt.org / http://www.a4pt.org/
Thank you, Kay! What a lovely way to join the Private Practice from the Inside Out – by bringing gifts! Welcome and thank you. These are so helpful! Where are you and what is it you do?
My private practice is called Kaleidoscope Counseling which is a Christ-centered organization that strives to help families and people of all ages feel happier and whole in body, mind and spirit. I am a licensed professional counselor and supervisor, registered play therapist and supervisor, a nationally certified counselor and a certified equine assisted counselor in Flower Mound, Texas, a surburb of Dallas. I holds a doctoral degree from the University of North Texas where I studied and practiced Play Therapy and Equine Assisted Counseling , and I have authored and lectured nationally and internationaly on these topics.
My team of counselors’ at Kaleidoscope provide services to clients from 3 – 103 years of age. We offer traditional talk therapy, play therapy, expressive arts therapy, equine therapy, EMDR for children and adults, parent coaching, school liaison, and psychological and addictions testing.
I to love to connect and share withs – here is my SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE
• FAN PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/DrKaySudekumTrotter
• EQUINE THERAPY: https://www.facebook.com/EquinePartnersInCounseling
LINKEDIN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/KayTrotterPhD
PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/DrKayTrotter
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrKayTrotter
GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+Kaytrotter
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/DrKayTrotter/
KLOUT: http://klout.com/#/DrKayTrotter
WEBSITE: http://www.kaytrotter.com
Wow, Kay! Now that’s an introduction! I was born and raised in Fort Worth and then returned as an adult to live in Bedford and Southlake so I know (and miss) the area well! I’m always looking for opportunities to get back to TX to keynote or offer training. Let me know if you hear of anything where I might be a good fit!
Thanks for letting us know a little bit about you and your practice!
I am a sucker for these games, Tamara!
Just yesterday I went to the Alliance for Professional Women in Denver http://www.apwcolorado.org — not just a great networking group but an AMAZING mission to support women locally and internationally. Love.
And…I recommend if you are tech savvy to start a Google+ circle for your niche. I created a group “Therapists and Coaches in Private Practice” which has become a great place for support, learning, and connection with other professionals. If you want to join, find the group in your Google+ account and ask to join. Would love to have you!
All the best to you Tamara, Jenny
Oh, thanks, Jenny, for noting that not all networking (or even most networking) needs to be within your own industry! Happy to have the Colorado organization to add to the Colorado networking opportunities!
And, thanks for the Google+ suggestion, too. I didn’t remember that Therapists and Coaches in Private Practice was your group! (By the way, no one has written a post here on using Google+ to grow your practice . . . . Interested?)
As a provider in Illinois, I appreciate this information! Thanks Tamara
Hey, Carla! I haven’t heard from you in a while. I’ve missed your voice here. Thanks for dropping in to let me know that this is helpful.
Clinical Care Consultants out of Arlington Heights/Buffalo Grove, IL hosts a networking event for therapists. http://clinicalcareconsultants.com/networking.php
Hi, Valerie, and welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! Thank you so much for sharing this networking event! It’s exactly what I was looking for! Do you attend or are you actually part of Clinical Care Consultants? And, what is it you do?
Good Morning…….this is my first post so bear with me! In regards to the networking events, I’m wondering if he works with infants and toddlers. If so, coordinating with Early Intervention–Child & Family Connection office is an excellent opportunity to network. For those who are unaware, Early Intervention is a federally funded program which contracts with local agencies to provide services for birth to 36 months for infants and toddlers who show some delay/deficits. For example, I do a lot of work for our local CFC for infants and toddlers who have been placed in foster care. I’m down in Effingham, IL. which is quite a distance from Chicago but every county has a CFC that is required to find providers for infant and toddler services. This is an excellent program and a wonderful way to network with area providers. I’ve received several referrals from other providers (i.e. developmental therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists) who I’ve coordinated with for services.
Hi, Faith! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! And, THANK YOU for taking the time to speak up and share this networking opportunity! I don’t know if this works for Michael, but you’re right! It’s an excellent place to focus networking efforts for the right therapist! And, it’s because of readers like you in our community here that this website continues to be the standard bearer for therapists collaborating to support each other in growing our businesses! I hope you will be back often to join the conversations and share your thoughts / resources, too.
Good morning ,
Thank you Faith for that great recommendation. Unfortunately I have not done a lot of work with infants or toddlers. But what a great resource for others hopefully.
Thanks for thinking of me for that.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all this information it is greatly appreciated. I will look into each of these opportunities. Hopefully I will be able to network and get my name out their. At the same time I will continue looking for work with an agency just in case thins don’t pick up as quickly as I would like them to.
You’re so welcome, Michael! Stay close and connected here. Bring your voice with you so that we remember that you’re out there looking for networking in the field.