On Tuesday, I talked with you about some of the ethical considerations and best practices when your client / former client tries to follow you on Twitter. In one of her emails to me this same therapist also brought up her sincere desire to remain as transparent as possible with her clients. That's {...}
What To Do When Your Former Client Follows You On Twitter (Part 1 of 2)
Back in April, I received this short email that ended up resulting in a rather lengthy email exchange. Over time, it has become obvious that this is a conversation that some of you might also be interested in reading and / or contributing to.
I asked the author for permission to share a large part {...}
70-20-10 Rule And Why You Need To Know
The 70-20-10 Rule
Whether your services include training and educational components or you offer public speaking as a marketing tool or you simply sit in an office from 9-5 providing traditional counseling, you need to know the 70-20-10 Rule. This is a learning development concept that came out of {...}
Social Media LoveFest For Mental Health Professionals And Coaches
Here's the Deal!
From talking with many of you over the last two years, I know that our community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out falls into two camps. You are either new to private practice (i.e. been in business for yourself <5 years) and are wanting to attract more clients or {...}