One of my colleagues here in Colorado, Kat Mindenhall, MSW, LCSW, is particularly savvy when it comes to mentoring and networking online. When she decided to share publicly her own learning curve with Google + as a venue for networking, I jumped at the opportunity to have her talk about it right {...}
Social Media
10 Awesome Apps To Increase Your Private Practice Productivity
I think I've told you guys before that I'm a bit of a digital dinosaur . . . easily intimidated by all things tech. But, that doesn't mean that I can get along without the gadgets, apps, and software that are needed to stay connected to you.
In order to keep my practice running smoothly, I rely {...}
Why Psychotherapists (And Coaches) Need A Blog
I've talked to several different therapists this week who are intent on growing their private practices.
They all want to know the same thing . . . "How do I get clients?"
The easiest answer is ". . . one step at a time!"
It's important to know that almost all new clients will find you {...}
What To Do When Your Former Client Follows You On Twitter (Part 2 of 2)
On Tuesday, I talked with you about some of the ethical considerations and best practices when your client / former client tries to follow you on Twitter. In one of her emails to me this same therapist also brought up her sincere desire to remain as transparent as possible with her clients. That's {...}