The CBS Evening News posted an article by Armen Keteyian that states . . .
Nearly every digital copier built since 2002 contains a hard drive - like the one on your personal computer - storing an image of every document copied, scanned, or emailed by the machine."
Read this article before you {...}
Social Media And Privacy Concerns For Mental Health Professionals
If you've missed my posts concerning the risks of mental health professionals' use of social media here and here, you may want to go back and take a look.
More privacy concerns related to Facebook are addressed in Jenna Wortham's article this week in the New York Times. That's why I was happy to {...}
Mental Health Attorney Responds To Psychotherapists’ Use of Social Media
Mental health attorney, Denis Lane, was kind enough to answer my call for a mental health attorney that could respond to The Washington Post article that addressed social networking here. Denis has responded by addressing problems associated with therapists’ personal information being posted on the {...}
Cautionary Tales For Psychotherapists In Social Media
Are you a psychotherapist who uses Facebook and Twitter? Do you blog or engage in other forms of social media? If so, you need to consider the sticky situations that you may stumble into without any ill intent. Here is one article by Dana Scarton in the Washington Post that highlights examples of {...}