Last month, probation officer Shawn Williamson in Utah, wrote an email asking me for "general lessons learned" that I can pass on to a new counselor. These are the first three things that come to mind.
Start Small. In all the ways that you can start, start small. Buy 250 business cards, not {...}
What If . . . ? I Need Your Feedback
Reaching Out
WOW! I love the way that you guys have reached out . . . in comments here on the blog . . . in emails directly to me . . . and by phone, too. Our vibrant community of professional connections and resources for building and strengthening your private practice continues to grow! {...}
6 Ways To Keep In Touch With Clients
On Monday, I reminded you that when considering ways to keep in touch with your clients, it's critical that you consider the legal and ethical implications. Assuming you've taken those into consideration, believe that it is in your client's best interest for you to keep in touch, and have his or {...}
How To End Your Relationship With Insurance Panels – Part 2
(This is the second of a two-part post on terminating your
relationship with insurance and managed care companies.
The first part begins here.)
On Monday, I talked to you about the importance of knowing what you have agreed to in your contracts with insurance and managed care companies before {...}