In May, Amanda Wigfield, MA, CSPT, CSAT shared her concerns about naming her practice and the implications that would have on her family. Last week, Liza Alvarado wrote in asking a series of questions with a different twist on naming her practice. And, today my friend and colleague, Brenda {...}
Business Name
Naming Your Private Practice
Back in May, we started talking about the choices and implications of naming your private practice when you are a parent when Amanda Wigfield, MA, CSPT, CSAT wrote a guest post, Personal and Professional Names in Private Practice . . . and One Therapist's Dilemma.
Since then, one of the therapists {...}
Personal And Professional Names In Private Practice . . . And One Therapist’s Dilemma
Back in March, I was attending my monthly consultation group when an interesting discussion came up about naming our businesses and whether or not to use our personal names as our business names.
My colleague, Amanda Wigfield, MA, CSPT, CSAT was obviously embroiled in the middle of making this {...}