A few weeks ago, my videographer colleague and friend Ernesto Segismundo and I were talking about why it's so important to build a vibrant community online.
Those of you who have already attended BlogStart for Therapists know the answer, right?
When you engage followers of your online work means {...}
Why Therapists Should Always Allow Commenting On Their Blogs
No Commenting?!
Earlier this week, I was talking with graphic designer Kat Love about why some bloggers choose not to allow commenting on their blogs. To me, that's like publishing a book and then forbidding readers to discuss it with each other! It just doesn't make sense.
But, as Kat pointed {...}
Continuing The Conversation On Starting A Private Practice With Dorlee Michaeli
Earlier this year, I had the honor of being interviewed by Dorlee Michaeli, MBA, LMSW on Social Work Career.
We talked about how to Establish Your Private Practice Like a Pro.
The conversation was rich and lengthy and continued even after the post was published.
Here is a follow-up {...}
Guidelines For Psychotherapists Who Have Had Their Intellectual Property Stolen
You Own What You Create
Your website including the images, text, audio and video recordings that were created by you belong to you from the moment that they were created / written until the moment you sign away those rights. When someone chooses to use any of that intellectual property without {...}