Oh, my gosh! Last month I was featured in an article, Specialist, Generalist, or Niche Provider?, in Counseling Today written by Lynne Shellcroft. And, just this week, Deanna Richards, whom I’ve never even met, nominated Private Practice from the Inside Out for The Beautiful Blogger Award! Thank you! Thank you!
Of course, I was curious about some stranger that would be so kind as to recommend this blog for such an award so I did a little snooping . . . . Deanna is an educator and also a Psychology Counseling student in New York at Teachers College at Columbia University. (That kind of bummed me out since I was just in New York all of last week. We missed an opportunity to meet face to face!) But she’s also much much more . . . .
Somehow Deanna managed to find time last year to start her blog at ThePathNY and that’s where I’ve fallen in love with her! (No it wasn’t just about The Beautiful Blogger Award!) What I know about her now is that she is not afraid of change, she’s serious about her role in making the world a better and more just place for all, and . . . my most favorite of all . . . she doesn’t mind taking a stand to make a positive difference! (Check out her post, Clients, Culture, and Counseling!) I’m loving this girl!
So, Deanna, thank you! thank you!
The Rules for The Beautiful Blogger Award
1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your blog post. (This may require you to use an image widget.)
2. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their blog.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own beautiful blog award. (And, yes, they can be nominated for and receive the award more than once.)
4. Comment on each of their blogs to let your nominees know that they have been nominated!
7 More Beautiful Blogs . . .
I’m so excited to introduce you guys to these 7 stunningly beautiful blogs! Yes, they are visually beautiful; but equally important to me, they are brimming with beautiful ideas, beautiful words, and beautiful people, too.
- Ordinary Courage by Brene’ Brown, Ph.D.
- What a Shrink Thinks by Martha Crawford, LCSW
- The Mindful Music Therapist by Roia Rafieyan, MA, MT-BC
- Bodhi Music Therapy by Noah Potvin, MMT, MT-BC
- The Irreverent Psychologist by Jason Mihalko, Psy.D.
- The Genius in Children by Rick Ackerly
- Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) by Relando Thompkins, MSW
No, these weren’t the only beautiful blogs I wanted to introduce you to . . . but they were 7 that I want you to visit to feast your eyes and feed your spirit, too, as you build your private practice.
Thank you again, Deanna, for giving me the Beautiful Blogger Award and the opportunity to let you know about 7 more fabulous blogs!
Thanks for sharing! It’s great to be introduced to new blogs through recommendations. I look forward to following these writers.
Thank you for providing such an instrumental tool for all of us in private practice. Your website and your blogs are the first place I look when I need a private practice resource!
Thank you, Traci. I am humbled by your support and kind words.
Hi Tamara,
I agree with the previous comment – thank you. Besides learning about other services, it’s always nice to see how our colleagues are expressing their practice, passion and expertise through blogs and websites. Thanks again!
Christine, you are so welcome! I, too, learn from my colleagues and look forward to being informed and inspired by you all!
Thank you for the nomination and linking! Very kind of you!!
So happy to introduce my readers to your phenomenal blog, Martha! You are very welcome!
Tamara, Thank you. Ditto to the other sentiments here, and it is good to get virtually to know you. (Note: I did not split the infinitive.)
Rick, it’s my pleasure! So happy to let my readers know about your work.
Thank you!! I was thrilled to see your article in Counseling Today. Your creativity and courageousness truly move the profession forward. Thank you for forging new paths and allowing new counselors to follow in your footsteps. Whenever you are in New York again, please do let me know!
Hi, Deanna! (I hope that “seeing” you here means my comment on your blog finally got through. That was embarrassing!) You say the nicest things! And, yes, yes! Would love to connect face to face next time – or . . . when you and your partner make it to Colorado!
Wishing you guys a lovely 4th of July. (It’s a holiday that is celebrating our independence from British rule in the USA.)
Congrats, Tamara! I echo the other sentiments here – you deserve it!
Thanks so much, Lauren, for the kind words but the truth is we – all of us who engage in this online community – deserve it!
Every pat on the back, every offer of a resource, the whole diversity of opinions and practices that gets shared here, every therapist-in-training and every seasoned therapist, too . . . and every individual who introduces someone else to our ranks . . . that is what makes this website truly an online community that is different than others. And, that is what makes it special! I think we really do exhibit the best of the mental health field across disciplines.
And, maybe this is a good time to ask you guys . . . . I know that many of you, like me, drop in to other online spaces that focus on growing your business and building your private practice. So, I’m looking for your thoughtful and candid feedback . . . . What is it that stands out and makes Private Practice from the Inside Out a great space for you? Where do you think this community excels? And, who and what are you seeing elsewhere online that could make this space even better? Or, what’s missing here and elsewhere that we need to add?
Congratulations, Tamara! I zipped over to read the article and resonated with your comment regarding that it is okay to be a generalist as a practitioner but as a marketing strategy this would (likely) not make us “remarkable or memorable”. Great write up, Tamara! So happy for you!
Regarding your question about how does Private Practice from the Inside Out serve me as a great space… your articles, comments, and style of being gently prod me to think differently and deeply to purposefully create my best possible future. And then you further encourage me to courageously step into it! Thanks, Tamara, for helping me step into the big “IT” of my career with excitement and optimism!
Thank you, Barbara! I can’t think of a nicer way to start my morning than to read your kind words!
Speaking of nudges . . . . Barbara, where is your “little me” gravatar? Nudge, nudge . . . .
I just wanted to thank you tremendously for mentioning my blog among the other wonderful writers on your list. It is a great honor!
Relando, you are so welcome! I know my readers are going to love your blog, too!