Welcome to the ever-so-often Blog Carnival here at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Thanks so much to all of the bloggers who submitted articles for this blog carnival!
The entries this time were AMAZING!
I’ve pulled out the best of the best entries today to share with you guys.
It’s my version of sharing a feast with you all!
(OK – True confession – I almost wrote “ya’ll” . . . but I didn’t.)
It’s just that I’m so excited to introduce you to some bloggers who are new and to some others who are already familiar bloggers in our community here.
Our theme for this blog carnival is Top 10’s in Private Practice.
That’s because I know an awful lot of you are, like me, list writers.
Lists of websites to check out, books to read, things to do, questions to ask, gifts to buy or make, and the lists go on and on . . . .
Here’a a peek at what’s in store for you today . . . .
- Editor’s Choice – Rosellen Reif, MS, LPCA, CRC, QDD/MHP questions why individuals with developmental, intellectual, and physical disabilities continue to be mostly ignored by professionals in the mental health community. In her post Top 10 Tips to Make Your Private Practice Accessible to Clients with Disabilities she offers simple steps you can take like considering
. . . how this population may already fall within your niche.”
Rose’s post is Editor’s Choice for offering sensible advice that each of us should consider and implement in the spirit of social justice and accessibility for all. Rose blogs at RPS Blog.
- In 10 Creative Ways to Repurpose Content to Attract New Clients Into Your Private Practice, Clinton Power, CMGANZ, PACFA Reg. offers a meaty post chocked full of resources and advice to help you create a never-ending supply of content for your marketing strategy. He offers suggestions like this –
. . . consider recording a spoken version of your best blog posts and upload them to SoundCloud. You can then embed the audio in the blog post so your reader can choose to read or listen.”
With Clinton’s generous list, every therapist here should find at least one or two new ways to repurpose, recycle, or reuse content that you’ve already developed. You can find Clinton’s blog at Australia Counselling.
- Vanessa Pawlowski, Psy.D isn’t mincing words today in her post Top 10 Ways to Procrastinate on Building Your Private Practice. She calls it like she sees it by stating
Sometimes the biggest obstacle to helping your private practice grow is you.”
She then offers 10 ways to help you get out of your own way to grow your private practice. You can find Vanessa’s blog here.
- In Roy’s Top 10 Mistakes in Marketing Your Practice Online, Roy Huggins, LPC NCC observes that many therapists err when it comes to creating and maintaining their online presence. For example, he says
If a human being is not directly involved in helping you improve your search engine rankings, then all the automated search engine services in the world are well nigh useless. They definitely aren’t worth $60 / month.”
Touching on myths, scattered or non-existent strategies, and Yoda, he underscores that an online presence is necessary but not a cure-all for a practice that is limping along. You can find Roy’s blog at Person-Centered Tech.
- Elizabeth Peixoto, MS, LMHC, LMFTA starts off in Top 10 Reasons I Love My Private Practice & Tips on Building Your Own Private Practice by noting that
Starting, maintaining, and growing a private practice is hard work. There’s always something to do, change, buy, worry about, stress about, etc.”
She then continues blogging about the things that fuel her own passion for doing clinical work and offers suggestions to help you find your way forward in private practice. She’s blogging at Elizabeth Peixoto – Child Therapist.
- In Top 10 Ways for Therapists to be LGBTQ Friendly, blogger Jeremy Schwartz, LCSW notes that
. . . All therapists can and will encounter LGBTQ clients over their course of their careers.”
With that in mind, Jeremy encourages self-reflection and conscious choices for ethical therapists in today’s post. You can find him blogging at Jeremy D. Schwartz, LCSW.
- And, you will find Camille McDaniel, LPC, CPCS offering her insights in Top 10 Ways to Increase Client Retention in Your Private Practice with observations like
Clients don’t always know how often they need to be seen, they need [your] direction.”
Covering everything from collaboration to boundaries and building trust, Camille’s post offers personal advice that both seasoned and new therapists alike can learn from. Camille blogs at The Counselor Entrepreneur.
Take your time to checkout each of these blog posts and let these bloggers know that you appreciate their time and effort to share with you their own special top 10 lists in private practice.
Then drop back in here and let me know if you enjoy an ever-so-often Blog Carnival here.
And, of course, feel free to leave your own top 10 list in private practice below!
Hi Tamara, thank you so much for hosting this great event and introducing us all to some interesting new blogs! It’s so helpful to consider others’ advice on how they’ve built thriving practices; I read many tidbits that have encouraged me that I need to go ahead and try some things I’ve been considering, but I read so many more tips and tricks that I’d have certainly never thought of on my own. I really appreciate your time and efforts in putting this all together (and being picked as Editors choice wasn’t half bad either!)
Good morning, Rose!
Thank you so MUCH for participating in this Blog Carnival!
This is so much fun and I am honored to have your voice in it.
You work in a niche that is shamefully ignored by many of us.
And, truthfully, I’ve made more than my share of poor choices and fear-based decisions related to working with individuals who are disabled.
I”m embarrassed to admit that.
But, I need to admit that . . . As I have learned better, I’ve done better.
I will always be grateful to a client of mine with a physical disability who has (both knowingly and unknowingly) chosen to teach me what she needs along the way.
I’ve been clumsy and clueless at times.
It’s not fair to those individuals that my blind and privileged eyes have failed to see and failed to act in fair and appropriate ways at all times.
Your post is a bold reminder that as therapists we are ALL obligated to provide best practices and care to all individuals.
THAT is the least we can do if we are truly about providing support to individuals who need our services.
Hi Tamara,
This is such a great Blog Carnival! I really enjoyed reading everyone’s articles. Each is unique and interesting, and each has such wonderful tips, reminders, and ideas for starting, growing, and having a successful private practice. Thanks so much for putting this together and having me be a part of it all! 🙂
Hi, Elizabeth! Thanks so much for dropping by! I so appreciate you joining the Blog Carnival today. Hope it sends lots of curious eyes to check out your website!
By the way – I noticed that you don’t have a little photo of you that shows up with your comments here (and on other blogs, too). They are called “gravatars.” Using a gravatar helps others get to know and trust you quicker.
Here’s a link to a quick tutorial that shows you how to set up your own gravatar http://www.allthingsprivatepractice.com/how-a-tiny-picture-of-you-can-help-drive-traffic-to-your-website-or-blog/ . (Don’t worry! It’s so easy that even I could do it and it’s absolutely FREE!)
Thanks so much for the tip! You’re right, it was easy to make a gravatar. 🙂
You’re so welcome, Elizabeth! Now I SEE you!!! Yea!
Hey! I was just checking out Rose Reif’s blog where she was talking with Camille McDaniel. Rose shared this great little resource that I wanted to come back and share with you here.
If you are interested in adding Braille to your business cards, documents, etc., check out http://www.BrailleWorks.com.
Hi Tamara! Thank you for sharing this resource!
Tamara, once again, I find so much to love about your blog. THANK YOU for introducing your audience to some very interesting and well written private practice blogs! I feel like I need a big bucket of popcorn and some quiet time to cozy with all these bloggers!
Hi, Kathi! It’s so great to find your voice here!!!!
I know exactly what you mean! I’ve been online long enough to remember when lots of blogs hosted blog carnivals and they were all so cool!
I miss them – so many great resources all in one place!
It’s rare to find them these days.
And, I’m chuckling even as I write this because they are CRAZY labor intensive and it’s so easy for things to go wrong.
But, when the go right, I find myself wanting a big blanket of snow coming down outside, a cozy robe, and – like you – that big bucket of popcorn and quiet time to hang out with these bloggers and just bask in the information, resources and support they provide!
Thanks, Kathi, for reminding me how really good it is to be immersed in this community at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
(This one was and . . . things did go wrong.)
But, when the (eventually) go right . . . they can be rich sources
Thank you so much for having the inspirational idea of running a blog carnival. Tamara, I am truly honored to have been chosen to have my blog post be a part of it.
It’s been so much fun reading and sharing all the entries. Thank you for all you do to support and inspire therapists to build a private practice!
Clinton Power,I’m tipping my hat right back to you, my friend!
You provided a wealth of information, motivation, and resources around the globe to therapists and I am honored that you chose to share your experience and wisdom today with our Carnival audience.
I hope we have an opportunity to work together again in 2015!
Dear Tamara,
The ones I have read so far are filled with useful information! Thank you. I find top 10s to be rather generic — these authors have managed to week through the generic advice and offer gems. Thanks to everyone!
And, thank you so much Emily for taking the time to let me know.
I’m not always fans of top 10 lists either.
But, I found these bloggers writing from the trenches having walked their own walks in practice-building and eager to share their own learning curves.
They generously answered questions that I get asked every single day so I knew that they were practical and useful.
I’m so glad you found them to be gems, too!
Thank you so much for hosting this blog carnival! I appreciate the inspiration you gave me to write my own Top 10 list. I enjoyed reading the posts of my co-bloggers and found them full of helpful information and many ideas that I had not considered.
It has been such a nice experience to interact with the other bloggers and comment on each other’s posts!
Thanks again!
Thank YOU, Jeremy, for participating! I’m so glad that I had an opportunity to introduce my readers to you and your work. Hope to find your voice back here often joining the conversations, too!
This carnival was definitely full of fantastic information. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into this, Tamara!
Thank YOU, Roy, for participating! You ALWAYS bring a full basket of treats to your posts and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to remind our community here of the fabulous resource that you are to us!
Thanks so much to everyone for contributing these a really interesting and varied selection of tips. I can identify with so many of these! I feel lucky that when I was starting up I was able to tap into such a wealth of knowledge and experience.
So glad to have your voice, here, Laura! 🙂