Dr. Keely Kolmes of San Francisco continues to be a valuable resource for therapists engaging in social media. Check out her blog post dated August 5th in which she exposes the privacy concerns caused by Psychology Today’s newly implemented call tracking.
I just changed the setting on my own listing to decline call tracking and, I’m encouraging you to do the same.
[Thanks, Keely, for continuing to keep us informed on these matters!]
Great article. Waiting for more.
Nice information, thank you to the author. It is incomprehensible to me now, however in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck
Ayesha, thanks so much for dropping in here at Private Practice from the Inside Out and taking time to share your kind comments. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Whoa. That was a great article. Please keep writing because I love your style.
Thanks for saying so!
Thanks for the post. One other thing is that hiring a website design company is a good method if you can afford the costs. It is a fact that qualified web design firms can very expensive. A lot of people prefer freelancers who charge a lot lower cost as compared to a web design company.
Thanks for taking time to comment. I completely agree that a good web designer can put a lot of your concerns about privacy to rest. My web designer, Beth J. Hayden, of Blogging with Beth fame, stays on top of my security needs and keeps me safe from unwanted prying. If you are looking for a designer to either start your website from scratch or tweak an older site, Beth is a terrific designer to work / consult with!
I feel like you could probably teach a class on how to make a great blog. This is fantastic! I have to say, what really got me was your design. You certainly know how to make your blog more than just a rant about an issue. Youve made it possible for people to connect. Good for you, because not that many people know what theyre doing.