Tonight I stumbled across a website for the New Jersey Association of Women Therapists. This professional association describes itself as
organized to
provide women therapists with an opportunity to meet for fellowship, for the exchange of ideas with colleagues, and for continuing education and professional growth.”
The membership appears to be very active including multiple opportunities to socialize, network, and obtain professional development as well as an online therapist directory.
If you are in New Jersey, you may want to check this group out. And, if you are outside of New Jersey and feeling a bit isolated, you may want to visit the website to get some great ideas for forming your own local professional association.
Wow! I didn’t know this existed (probably because it never occurs to me to check into something of this sort). I’m so glad you pointed it out. Off to go check it out. Thanks, Tamara!
Hi, Roia! If you do head off to a meeting, I hope you’ll let them know about Private Practice from the Inside Out and drop back in here to give us the scoop on what the organization is like!
Have a great week!