Hi, gang! I’m back after taking an unexpected sabbatical. In fact, I’ve decided that I’m slowing down between now and the end of the year. You’ll find fewer posts showing up in your in box and I’m thinking you’ll appreciate that as we’re all inundated right now with extra tasks and correspondence to wind down the year.
I’m also deep into planning for next year. I’m thinking that I’m going to reduce frequency of my posts to once / week rather than two. I hope you’ll let me know if this is a good plan for you. Our Mustard Seeds & Mega-Gifts community gratitude journal will be ending later this month. And, after the first of the year, I’m coming back ready to launch the blogging classes that you’ve been asking for! Stay tuned for details!
What are you grateful for?
If you are new to our online community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out, welcome! And, if you have been with us before, welcome back!
As a way of building our “gratitude muscles” and to help our colleagues build theirs, too, every Friday until the end of the year we will be hosting Mustard Seeds & Mega-Gifts: A Community Gratitude Journal. Here you can share the large and small gifts and opportunities that come your way while building your private practice.
This week . . . I am particularly grateful for my amazing Peer Consultation Group in Littleton, Colorado that is quick to listen and quick to share their resources, their concerns, and their wisdom. Thank you!
If you would like to build your own gratitude muscles by sharing your appreciations with us, here is how our gratitude journal works . . . .
- It will post weekly on Fridays.
- Your job is not to just be a passive observer but to contribute to the post by sharing something that you are grateful for.
- Just send an email note of appreciation related to anything that supports you growing your practice and put “Mustard Seeds” in the subject line.
- I’ll post it the following Friday as part of our community gratitude journal!
- And, if you forget to send an email, you are welcome to just add your appreciations to the comments of the weekly post!
Afraid you’ll forget or slack off on sharing what you are grateful for? You can sign up here to receive blog updates for Private Practice from the Inside Out (that you can use as nudges and reminders to share your appreciations) in your email inbox.
Research indicates that by consciously savoring those large and small gifts that come way, our joy and ability to recognize other opportunities are intensified.
I’m grateful for all the helpful info you have on your site.
BTW – Not sure what time you have this post set to publish, but I never get it until Saturday (1:20 am).
Thanks, Tawnya! I’ll check on that publishing time . . . . It should show up about 7 a.m. most days.
I like the weekly Idea, i do good to post once a month so you’re way ahead of me. I guess I can say I’m thankful that there is more than enough work for me :o)
Thanks, Jill, for taking time to let me know! I’m hearing you!