Most of the therapists that I work with initially bemoan the evils of social media. However it doesn’t take long for them to see the benefits of blogging, tweeting, and sharing their best ideas with other therapists and clients. That’s exactly how I met Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S. She reached out through another blogger offering to share her own experience of introducing multiple and passive streams of income into her private practice.
What I know now that I didn’t know in graduate school is that by creating and sustaining multiple and passive streams of income, I am creating more income for me and, equally important, more time and space in my schedule to work with my ideal clients. That’s why I am happy to introduce you to Mari and the concepts of multiple and passive streams of income!
A Guest Post by Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S
If you are a therapist, consultant, coach or other professional in the helping industry, you have likely heard about the concept of “multiple income streams.”
This blog post discusses how to work smarter not harder by leveraging your knowledge, experience, and expertise into creating your own exciting and profitable income streams.
Therapists who have multiple income streams not only increase their earnings, but also decrease burnout and compassion fatigue as they no longer rely solely on their therapy hour for financial security.
Here is great news for those who are new to this concept.
Creating multiple income streams is not just for the fearless or tearless, the super therapist, the extroverted, or the wonder woman or superman therapist.
It is not reserved for the financial guru, creative genius, or for the marketing or tech wizard.
Any therapist can develop an additional income stream with the right support, information, and some good old-fashioned elbow grease.
Let’s get this party started by defining a few important terms and putting some basic math behind each one.
This simple information will help make the formerly mysterious world of multiple income streams clear and accessible to you, so let’s dive right in!
Active Income
Active income is your one-on-one delivery of services that you are actively involved in.
For therapists and coaches, this is anytime when we are required to be physically present (e.g. tele-therapy or therapy in your office) with clients.
It also means anytime you are actively working on a project or book.
While active income earning is how most of us were trained to earn a living by our parents, teachers, and society, it is important to remember that at the end of the day there is only one you.
This means that there are only so many days and hours of the week that you are able to work face-to-face or by phone with one-on-one clients or devote to a project.
Creating a practice that is only supported by an active income stream greatly increases the potential for burnout over time.
Here’s the Numbers
Let’s break this down into dollars and cents.
For example, if you see 20 fee-for-service clients at $125 per session (Note of Transparency: I charge $185 / session, have always been private pay, do not work with insurance, and work with fewer clients by choice, but that is another blog post for another time!), it will look this way: $125 x 20 = $2,500 gross income for that week (Remember gross is before Uncle Sam gets his cut.) x 4 weeks is $10,000/gross income for that month.
Sounds great right?
However, remember that you must take out taxes, office expenses, supplies, support, and rent minimally.
That said, my hope and encouragement is that you are also setting aside money each pay period for sick leave and vacation time and paying into a retirement account, too.
And, while we are on the topic of tax deductions, don’t forget about factoring in the annual expenses of liability insurance, membership fees, renewing licenses, CEUs, and attending conferences.
So $10,000 gross active income can quickly end up after all of the above deductions and taxes looking closer to $4,500 net active income per month.
Even if this is enough income for you without adding another income stream . . . what happens if you become ill?
How will you support yourself if you are not able to provide in person services for active income?
If that is a concern to you or if you would like to reduce hours and continue bringing in the same income or better yet, if you would like to increase your income, the following information will support this.
Leveraging Your Income
If you are a therapist who runs a group, an intensive outpatient program (IOP), a paid group training, or if you are receiving compensation for group seminars, public speaking, teaching groups, coaching groups, or are facilitating paid training programs such as remote webinars, leading retreats / virtual events – congratulations!
You have created a leveraged income stream for your business.
Though you are required to be physically present for the groups, workshops and speaking gigs, you enjoy a much larger profit return for your time invested.
Dollars and Cents
Let’s break this down into dollars and cents using group therapy as a leveraged income stream as an example.
If you facilitate one 90 minute therapy group for 7 clients at $65 per client, that is $455 for your 90 minutes of time vs. two 45 minute active income sessions at $125 each for your 90 minutes of time at a total of $250.
That’s the same amount of time for nearly double the gross income.
For therapists who are charging less than $125/session the profit for leveraging income for group therapy is even greater.
For therapists who charge more for individual sessions, good for you for valuing your expertise and time!
I will not get on my soapbox about fee setting and valuing yourself and our profession in this blog article.
However, even if you are kicking butt, valuing your worth as a therapist, and charging $200 per 45-minute session, you will still make more money in less time by leveraging.
Think of it this way, if you facilitate three 90-minute groups a week, at 6 clients per group, using the formula above, that is an additional $1,365/week or $5,460 net leveraged income (net [corrected 10-07-14] gross = before taxes are withdrawn) per month.
You can reduce your individual hours and see fewer clients just by leveraging your income this way.
And that is just using group therapy as an example of leveraging your income.
Not too shabby!
Passive Streams of Income
A passive stream of income is any person, place or thing that brings money into your business without you being present.
Examples of a passive income stream include book royalties, website product sales, employees, pre-recorded webinars, commissions, and so forth.
The great thing about a passive income stream is that you can make money while you sleep, when you are in session, walking your dog, taking a yoga class, or when you are on vacation.
This can be done by packaging your expertise through CDs, DVDs, e-books, e-courses and other such products.
With a passive income stream your income is not dependent upon you being actively present.
What’s not to love?
My Initial Investment
For the sake of transparency and to encourage each of you from my own experience, let’s use my e-book, “The Creative Clinician: Exercises and Activities for Clients and Group Therapy” as an example.
My initial start up investment into this product was as follows:
- Copy Editor – To ensure book was clean and tight = $500
- Graphic Artist – To create beautiful art for exercises/cover = $200
- Virtual Assistant – To set up my website store = $100
- Shopping cart annual fee to link with PayPal = $150
- Taking the above folks out to dinner to celebrate and thank= $200
As you can see my dollar start up investment was just under $1,200.
My time involved was approximately 1 year, at about 3-6 hours of my active time on the project per week, about 2-3 weeks of the month.
If you are tech savvy, a graphic artist, or a cook, you can save some of the above costs.
Because of my busy practice and speaking schedule, and because I am not an artist, can’t cook a decent egg, and am not all that tech savvy beyond the basics, I preferred to outsource for time management, as well as to ensure that my project was supported by awesome professionals.
This helped create an e-book I am deeply proud of.
Was It Worth It?
I priced “The Creative Clinician: Exercises and Activities for Clients and Group Therapy” at $39.95 per book and decided I would sell it directly through my website.
I collect all gross passive income minus the nominal PayPal fee and taxes.
The e-book includes 31 exercises to support therapists and their work with clients and groups – everything from anger, communication, family of origin, guided imagery, boundaries, inner child and you name it!
This breaks down to about $1.25 per exercise, and as a bonus I give full copyright permission to every single therapist who purchases.
This means that they can use the exercises with as many clients, couples and groups as they wish for as many years as they wish.
Pretty good deal for a $1.25 per exercise!
It is nice to wake up in the morning and have passive income waiting in my PayPal account for me.
So, I can hear your wheels turning.
How did this passive income investment pay off for Miss Mari, or what was my ROI i.e. Return on Investmen?
After triple checking everything for the 100th time (well, more like the 20th time), I took a deep breath, sent out my e-book announcement, and I launched “The Creative Clinician” in February of this year (2014).
Like many folks, I had my own fears and vulnerabilities in putting my finished project out into the world.
“Will my colleagues like this and find it to be of support?”
I fretted to myself. They sure did! In my first week I sold 100 copies – more than tripling my initial financial investment.
And, I am pleased and humbled to share that as word got out, and after great reviews, as of September 2014 I have sold 300 copies of The Creative Clinician –whoo hoo for passive income!
As you can see my investment has re-paid itself 10 fold.
The other gift has been honoring a project that was near and dear to my heart in creating an e-book to support colleagues and the good work they are doing with their clients.
In Support of Your Dream
To re-cap, think multiple income streams as many little streams of dollars flowing into your “body of water” i.e. your practice/bank account with the biggest streams coming in from leveraged and passive income.
Some advantages of creating multiple or passive income streams are:
- Get paid even when you’re not working with therapy clients
- Moving past the standard 45- 50 minute therapy session
- See less clients and maximize your time with leveraging [more money less face-to-face time]
- Less burnout, more “you time”
- Honoring your creative spirit
- Make money if you are sick and cannot work, or when on vacation
- Create financial security
- Brand yourself
As we wrap up our conversation on multiple streams of income, I want to encourage each one of you to honor that little idea that has been fluttering around your heart and soul for a while.
Write down a plan, trust yourself, and then do one small step each day to support that dream.
If I can do it, then so can you!
About the Author: Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and Supervisor, and the founder of Growth Counseling Services, a private practice recovery center located in Glendora, California. Mari is recognized for her ground breaking clinical work with spouses and partners of sex addicts, as well as her work with male and female sex, love and pornography addicts.
What a great article! I hadn’t really thought about how to make a passive income. I have tried to run workshops and groups but at times it is difficult to find enough participants. I run a women’s sexual health group and I think in the Midwest people are still a little fearful of participating in this type of group. Though I have had great success with the groups I have run. But I had never thought about the potential of an e-book. To be honest I write a lot of articles already about relationships for couples and this might be a good avenue for me. I have to say I am a little nervous if it would be well received. But this article gives me the inspiration to think more about the potential possibility!
Hi Lyndsey,
Thanks so much for the feedback and sharing about the good work you are doing in the world. I love that you are thinking about producing an e-book. Here is a little tip: Use the articles, blogs, posts, and other written material that you already have on hand. I post several times a week to my FB biz page which links to my Twitter account. I also post weekly or 2x a week to my website blog. I’ll bet you have a ton of great material you can pull out and expand on. Best to you!
Mari, this is such great advice for anyone who is interested in writing a book – whether you self-publish or go the traditional route by outsourcing your publishing. You’ll need a platform (might I suggest a blog?) to rally interest in your book before you get around to selling it! Can you say “BlogStart for Therapists?”
Hi, Lyndsey! If you already have the habit of writing and are thinking about writing an e-book, I would encourage you to think about writing it not from the perspective of what you think your clients need to know.
Instead, consider writing it based on your clients’ perceptions of what they believe they need to know.
There’s a difference, right?
Often, new clients come saying “______ is the problem” when your experience tells you that _____ is likely the symptom and that “the problem” is actually something else.
Just my 2 cents!
Thank you so much for your feedback! This would be a great way to start an e-book. As I have tendency to take on too much I am moving this to one of my goals for 2015! As we have to remember the self care too!
Also so much insight on your blogs!
You’re so welcome, Lyndsey! (My sister is always happy to remind me that I am rarely at a loss for having . . . “feedback.” Glad you found it useful.)
I’m also glad to hear you setting boundaries and protecting your time, energy and resources in the name of self-care! Just heard from one of our long-time members here in our community that she has gotten a serious diagnosis this week about her own health. If we aren’t taking care of ourselves, there’s no one left to care for our clients.
And, looking forward to you sharing your new project with us, Lyndsey . . . perhaps a new e-book in the making?!
Inspiring post, and very timely! Just this week I was imagining some e-books I’d like to get going on. Thanks for the encouragement!
Hi Mary,
So pleased to hear this arrived just in time to support your dreams. I wish you all the best – keep us posted!
oooh, yea! Mary, looking forward to your new offerings!
Hi Mari!
You are speaking my language this morning! As a therapist with over 10 years experience in the field, but only 1.5 in private practice, I have been working on figuring out when to add other types of income streams besides just seeing individual clients.
I really appreciated the way you spelled out the benefits of group work. Having worked for a number of years in residential with teens, I was feeling torn about running a group in solo practice. What if this? What if that?
In the meantime, I decided to take the plunge and start running some creative self-care workshops – not art therapy, like with my clients, but taking a different angle – art for wellness. So far, it has been an amazing experience. My next step is seeking out some sort of passive income stream. I have several ideas.
Thanks soooooo much for the inspiration and numbers!
Hurray Amy! It sounds like you are honoring your creative spirit – that is the best place to start when considering passive or leveraged income streams. I have facilitated groups for many years and love the process – as you know there is an art and science to keeping groups filled. I adore creating and facilitating workshops as well and have 3 very successful workshops that I am passionate about and facilitate 2x a year with waiting room only:
1. Beyond Betrayal: Healing and Hope for Partners of Sex Addicts
2. From Fairy Tales to Face Lifts: Learning to Love the Image in the Mirror
3. How Can I Get Through to You? Learning to Speak Pink, Learning to Speak Blue [couples]
4. Creating a Successful Workshop for your Private Practice [therapists]
Workshops are an excellent way of leveraging income, supporting clients and couples, and increase client flow. You don’t have to be a marketing whiz kid or Tony Robbins speaker to facilitate a successful workshop – honoring your passion, writing down a plan, and then breaking that up into baby steps is a great start!
Important tip: Be sure to copyright or trademark your workshop and written products folks – very important!
I wish you a ton of success Amy! 🙂
Thanks, Mari, for staying engaged with us here and continuing to offer more great tips! So appreciated!
My pleasure Tamara!
So glad you are finding what you need here, Amy! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Thanks for the numbers! When I see things broken down like that it seems like a no brainer to break outside the 1-client 1-hour box.
You are welcome Jill! So glad it feels like a good support for you. Thanks for the feedback 🙂
I love that you’re seeing that for yourself, Jill! I know you have a lot to offer and you deserve to be well-compensated for your efforts.
You know I’m not pushing get rich quick schemes and 6-figure incomes.
Sure they can happen but it’s important to know that they usually happen after therapists have thoughtfully and strategically planned and prepared to meet the opportunities that present themselves. I
f you can see the wisdom beyond 1:1 client contact hours, you can move closer to that reality . . . if you want to . . . .
You’re always encouraging Tamara! I feel like there is a big disconnect in what we expect (1:1 client hours equal, insurance, etc…) and what actually makes a business profitable). And To be honest I’m not sure who decided the 1 client 1 hour thing (which is not horrible by itself but definitely more work to make a decent living and there are so many hours in a day you can fill without going nuts!).
Thanks, Jill! One of my strong suits is seeing how seemingly disparate things connect. It makes for more opportunities for optimism (and can drive some people nutty!). In fact, I met this therapist a few years ago whose brain works very differently than mine. She hired me as her coach and on the 2nd or 3rd time we met told me that my “cheeriness is highly irritating” and that I needed to “tone it down!”
Ha-ha! It was the first time anyone had ever said that to my face but you know what? I appreciated her candor . . . her very blunt candor . . . and I toned it down a lot . . . and we work really great together now! I just needed someone to remind me that it’s an extreme gift (or curse) depending on who I’m sharing it with!
And, I’m oh-so-glad you find it encouraging, Jill!
I don’t know who landed on the 1 hour thing but I can tell you who it was not! It was not Freud’s idea. He sure didn’t practice like that and neither did the other psychoanalytic folks out there! I’ve seen research that said that there’s nothing magical about a one hour session, either. I can’t recall where it was but according to this research clients who were seen weekly didn’t do any better than those who came less often; and, clients who were seen for one hour sessions did not fare any better than those who were seen for 30 or 45 minutes. I’ve had so many people ask me for that research over the years and I swear I can’t remember where I saw it.
Hi Mari,
I have long been thinking about passive streams of income. One I would really like to try is creating an e-course, but there is so much information out there, I have no idea where to start. Any suggestions on where I can create and set up e-courses?
Cheryll, I can help you create an e-course. Start with your topic. Research your competition. Create your content. When you are ready for next steps, let me know!
Hi Cheryl,
Good for you, e-courses are an excellent income stream! It sounds like Tamara is ready to assist you with next steps. I would encourage you to get all of your talking points in a row, attend a few so that you can see what platforms you like, which you don’t and then go for it!
Best to you,
What a great article! Very inspiring! It would be great if you could also include some of the posts on this website on your book. Lots of them are extremely helpful and provide a great road map for those starting at PP. Thanks again!
Thanks, Geraldine! You are very kind to say so. It’s in the works! And, I’m open to any and all suggestions!
Hi Geraldine,
Glad to know this information was of support. I have a new e-book that will include my tips and tools [like the one’s I have written about here] that will be out next year for therapists who are starting PP or wanting to expand their PP.
Best to you on your journey!
Hi, Mari! I just noticed that you don’t have a little photo of you that shows up with your comments here (and on other blogs, too). They are called “gravatars.” Using a gravatar helps others get to know and trust you quicker.
Here’s a link to a quick tutorial that shows you how to set up your own gravatar . (Don’t worry! It’s so easy that even I could do it and it’s absolutely FREE!)
Thanks, I looked at the site and it states one must have a wordpress acct, my website is with square space…thoughts?
Mari! I don’t! I’ll reach out to Beth Hayden who originally wrote this guest post. I understood that you did not have to have a WordPress site in order to set up a Gravatar but I just might be wrong about that. Anyone else know?
Hi, Geraldine! I just noticed that you don’t have a little photo of you that shows up with your comments here (and on other blogs, too). They are called “gravatars.” Using a gravatar helps others get to know and trust you quicker.
Here’s a link to a quick tutorial that shows you how to set up your own gravatar . (Don’t worry! It’s so easy that even I could do it and it’s absolutely FREE!)
I am looking for more guidance and options for passive income streams and I’m wondering if you can assist me.
Laurel Levin
Sure, Laurel! I talk to therapists every week about options for passive streams of income and how to decide which ones will work best for them!
If you would like some more info about working with me 1:1, you can connect with me right here.