Stephanie Adams, an LPC intern, and Diane C. Pitaru, a psychotherapist in training, are members of our online community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out. These two have just launched the Counselors and Psychotherapists Network of North Texas, a new networking opportunity for mental health professionals and those in training. Here’s how they are describing their new Meetup group:
The CPNNT is a group in which counselors and psychotherapists in the Dallas/Fort Worth area can share ideas, post questions on our message board, and join other counselors for monthly get-togethers at area cafés or restaurants.”
Stephanie and Diane, congrats to you!! I hope you’ll be dropping back in here to share updates on your group as well as new ideas for developing your private practices. We can all learn from your challenges and successes in DFW!
And, for the rest of our community . . . if you know of networking opportunities in your area, I hope you’ll drop us a note to let us know so that we can help you publicize them here!
North Texas Mental Health Professionals (NTMHP) meets once a month in Grapevine for a speaker and networking.
Oh, shoot! I was just there and would loved to have joined you! Is there a link you can share that posts dates / topics, Stacy? And, feel free to post these (every month) on my private Facebook page – Private Practice from the Inside Out w/ Tamara Suttle. (And, if you aren’t a member, feel free to request to join!