After reviewing hundreds of mental health professionals’ online marketing efforts, I’ve seen what may be keeping your ideal clients from picking up the phone to call you.
That’s why I’ve asked my colleague and professional photographer, Dana Rogers, to offer her thoughts on how to think about your headshot for your marketing materials.
A Guest Post by Dana Rogers
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Okay. Close your eyes. Think of three words you would like clients to use when describing you as a professional. Now open your eyes and look at the photo on your web site or blog. Do the words fit the photograph?
Often, when creating an online presence, professional practitioners take great pains over the wording and the design of the site, but they neglect putting any time or thought into their professional portrait.
A professional portrait is just that. It’s not the snapshot from your latest vacation. It is not the photo your sister took of you standing out in the backyard last summer. To be appropriate, and more importantly authentic, the portrait must match what people see and hear when they come to your office. Unless you are serving beers, the photo of you with a mug in each hand at the last Octoberfest is probably not the best choice.
Think of it this way. People usually choose professionals they know, like and trust. If you present one image on your Web site, and a completely different image in person, chances are you will be creating a disconnect for you clients. This disconnect is not a long way from distrust.
Return to those three words again. How you would create a photo to fit that description? What would you wear? What expression would your face carry? What body language would you use? These answers will help you prepare for the photo.
Now ask yourself another question. Are you able to discern the difference between a professional portrait and a snapshot by Uncle George? Because most of us are such savvy media consumers, it easy for us to tell the difference between a properly lit and exposed photo and a homemade one. C’mon, admit it. You can always tell the difference. Your clients can tell the difference, too.
Why shortchange the most important element of your brand – that’s YOU – by skimping on photography? You are worth it! Engage a professional photographer to create an authentic portrait. The photo will last at least a few years and will help reinforce the qualities that help you attract your best clients.
Hi Tamara, well you have me thinking about my photo and the image it projects. Would it be helpful to use the same photo on all the social media networks that are related to my practice. I’ve used different ones, but now I’m rethinking my approach.
Hi, Dianne! It’s good to hear from you!
Well, you pose an interesting question and I’m not sure there is a clear-cut answer. Think about your photo like this . . . . What is it you are trying to accomplish? For example, my goal with my photo is to appear friendly, approachable, and professional because I want you to feel connected to me. With the latter in mind, it makes sense to me to use the same photo across the different platforms.
It wouldn’t necessarily be wrong for a mental health professional to use more than one photo though. I’m thinking that if you were a creative arts therapist you might want to show your professional side as well as your hands-on work with the creative side; likewise, I can imagine a child’s therapist might want to show herself actively engaged in play therapy with her clients as well as a more traditional headshot.
Just be strategic about your choices related to your image. Your professional photo is an extension of your branding. And, what we know about branding is that you need to establish one brand and grow it to the size that you want it to be before you start introducing a second brand.
thanks for the opportunity to write a guest post! cheers, dana
Thank you, Dana, for the great tips!
Dianne – Thanks for posting your question. I agree with Tamara.
I would add that a photo is almost like a logo in that is shorthand for your online persona. I would encourage you to be consistent with this as another business might be with a logo, always using the same one. And, I would also stick to one version, either black and white OR color.
Speaking on behalf of visual people everywhere, we are able to glance at your social media photo – which is often tiny – and connect it to you because we have seen the larger version on your web site before.
Just my two cents!
Cheers, Dana