I’ve just finished reading Scott G. Halford’s new book, Be a Shortcut: The Secret Fast Track to Business Success.
Here are the last 5 characteristics of being a shortcut that Scott details.
- Shortcuts help others. They don’t bother to offer excuses and explanations for not helping.
- Shortcuts are aware of their own triggers and emotional baggage and do not allow it to contaminate their relationships.
- Shortcuts are assertive and don’t play games. They address potential problems early on and do not get tripped up by bad feelings.
- Shortcuts know that they don’t know everything. However, they do know lots of different people so that shortcuts can get their jobs done.
- Shortcuts are aware of the negative aspects of stress on their own performance and willingly use their networks for support and assistance.
So now I’m asking you . . . . Based on these 16 identifiers, how am I and All Things Private Practice measuring up as a shortcut for you and your business today?
Please share your thoughts!