I was checking out posts at one of my favorite blogs, Shrink Rap , when I ran across this little jewel. Oh, ok, it’s not directly about building your private practice but it is about critical thinking and moral decision making and that is what we are called to do and to help our clients do on a daily basis.
What I’m talking about is . . . Justice with Michael Sandel, one of Harvard’s most popular courses. This twelve class series is now available on line at no cost to you – complete with an episode guide, reading assignments and discussion guides.
Take a peek and see if this is something that can enrich your professional life. If so, drop back in here at Private Practice from the Inside Out and let’s talk about it!
Thought provoking. We all need to contemplate “why do we do what we do?” It is critical thinking which allows us to move into a bigger moral world and expand our experience of who we are.
Hi, Brenda! Thanks for commenting! Just wondering how critical thinking and critical decision making are addressed in your graduate program . . . . Do they talk about this at Regis?