There are lots of reasons that you need to belong to the professional association of your particular discipline. In the United States, NAADAC, the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Counselors is the association for addictions professionals. Check out the many free opportunities available to their members for continuing their professional development!
Tamara, beautiful blog! So much information packed into just the first page! Very professional looking and yet, friendly. paula
Paula! Thanks so much for taking time to check out my blog! How did you find me?
I so appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll be back often to join the conversation here at Private Practice from the Inside Out! We are building a strong community here and I think you will find both me and my readers to be supportive of you as you develop your own practice.
I just took a quick peek and see you have your own beautiful blog, too! I look forward to dropping back in there to hang out for a while.