Oh, my gosh! Just got off the phone from talking with Stephanie Adams about why blogging works so well to attract the attention of new clients and the search engines, too.
We were recording the conversation for therapists who are attending the virtual conference, Mind Your Own Business.
(You can still sign up for FREE and get links to the recordings sent right to your inbox.)
One of the best things that I’ve gotten out of blogging beyond all of the practice-building benefits is that I’ve made new friends . . . with Stephanie and Roia Rafieyan and Brenda Bomgardner and Kate Daigle . . . and . . . and . . . .
Blogging has allowed me to build both a virtual and real community by tearing down the fences that come with physical distance and time constraints.
It does the same thing with potential clients who find me online . . . .
They get to know me.
Some of you actually get to liking me.
And, some of you actually begin to rely on and trust my advice and information . . . and actually hire me for some coaching around practice-building and marketing.
That’s how blogging works for me and that’s how it can work for you, too.
If you are interested in learning more, join me for Mind Your Own Business virtual conference on Tuesday, August 27th at 7 p.m. Central Time when you can listen in on my conversation with Stephanie to learn more about Blogging: The Very Best Way to Get Known and Get Clients!
(At the very end of the call, you’ll get access to my secret class page just for those of you who attended. That is where you’ll find links to lots of goodies and a big whopping discount to attend my next beginning bloggers class just for therapists, BlogStart for Therapists, too!)
Have loved the virtual conference so far and look forward to yours. Has been so informative and enjoying sharing with so many great therapists.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Tamara! I have been enjoying your website and blog… The interview with Stephanie will add the sound of your voice and lots of great information!
Thanks for your participation in a wonderful learning endeavor,
Hi, Patricia! You are so welcome! And, thank you for trolling around my blog here and checking out our growing community! Happy to have another MFT joining us! Where are you and what is it you do?
I can’t wait to listen to it. I have gotten a lot out of the calls that I was able to listen to so far. Now to get my behind in gear and work on some blog posts….I have the worst habit of either starting a post and not finishing it, or putting it off, or getting distracted by other things.
Oh, good, Jill! I have not been able to listen to many of them and am eager to catch up! (Follow through is one of my challenges, too.:()
Hi Delphine, Patricia, and Jill! Nice to see some familiar names. I have to say, the conversation I just recorded with Tamara was so fun it didn’t feel like work at all – come to think of it, neither have most of the recordings of the conference! We had a great chat and she really encouraged me. I love my friendship with the fellow MYOB speakers and I have to say too that I credit blogging with starting it all. So you will absolutely have to attend the August 27 audio airing – it’s going to be fantastic!
Thanks, Stephanie! That’s so sweet of you to say! Meanwhile, . . . I’m learning from you, too!
Tamara, Thank you for including me your circle of friends. I absolutely agree with all you have said above. The connection of friends through blogging and social media is priceless. I have been able to connect with people who are on the cutting edge of research and practice from all over the world. Some of the best of the best!
A few I have had the chance to meet in person which is awesome! A couple of s these connections is coming to present at a conference. Also, my professional growth has improved because of blogging. By writing about the people I serve and the problems they face I gain a clearer understanding of who they are and how to assist them in ways that work.
That’s so true, Brenda. I’ve also learned from my blogging how to speak more clearly about what it is I do and what it is that I actually bring to the table, too!
I’m very excited to be able to be a part of this! I just registered for the virtual conference. But, I am not sure if I did it correctly. Will I get an email when it is time to call in?
Also, I have also been thoroughly helped by all the information on your blog. I feel that I am starting rather early [still and ACSW her in CA!], but I think it’s important to know what I want to see and have in my private practice. Thank you so much for the direction and motivation!!
Mercedes, welcome back and thank you for registering for the Mind Your Own Business virtual conference. Once you register for the conference, I believe that you recieve only one email telling you when each of the presentations is scheduled for the entire series. You won’t get another email until AFTER each presentation – and those will provide you with the 48 hour free access to the presentation that was just completed as well as any details for freebies.
We have lots of students as well as seasoned professionals that hang out in this community so no worries that you are “starting early!” We have room at this table for all the mental health professionals (and allied health professionals, too!) what are interested in growing their businesses. Planning ahead for private practice is a whole lot smarter than the way I initially did it, for sure!
Mercedes, I always enjoy hearing from you and hope you will drop in often to join the conversations here at Private Practice from the Inside Out.
Mercedes, I just sent you an email but so everyone knows, when you register you will receive email reminders with explanations of how to attend the calls for free, and you can also check out mbainprivatepractice.com/myobfaq for frequently asked questions (some schedule changes have occurred). I’m so glad you joined us and that you’re part of our community now!
Oh, thanks, Stephanie, for adding the URL for the FAQs page! I forgot about that!
So excited to be chatting with you guys tomorrow night about blogging!