Hi, gang! I hope you guys know that I'm blogging for you! I hang out right here with you almost every day to give you great information to get you unstuck and motivated to take the next step to grow your private practice.
I'm giving you the good stuff that I know.
I'm listening to where you {...}
Writing | Publishing
Mustard Seeds and Mega-Gifts: A Community Gratitude Journal – September 28, 2012
What are you grateful for?
If you are new to our online community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out, welcome! And, if you have been with us before, welcome back!
As a way of building our "gratitude muscles" and to help our colleagues build theirs, too, every Friday we will be hosting {...}
PPIO Inaugural Blog Carnival
Monday, October 15, 2012 at Midnight
You are invited to the first Private Practice from the Inside Out Blog Carnival! Are you a blog carnival virgin? If so here's what you need to know . . . .
All bloggers are invited to submit articles relevant to some aspect of {...}
Eye Of The Storm: Finding The Positive In A Sea of Negative
I've been chatting with Lauren Ostrowski on this blog for less than a year. She shows up and dives in to conversations offering her ideas and her questions, her resources and her support to me and others here in our online community.
Last month she referenced a resource in one of her comments that {...}