In July, I talked with you about using professional online discussion lists to build your business.
Participating in online discussion groups that target your unique interests can also build your reputation and credibility. Here's an example . . . . I am a member of a discussion list that focuses {...}
Writing | Publishing
Web Directories For Therapists
One of my colleagues is looking for online directories for therapists. Thought you might help me collect them here for all to use. Feel free to include the cost and your experiences.
Got anything to share? {...}
Five, Four, Three, Two, One: Blog Launch!
OK, gang! I know some of you have been secretly lurking on the sidelines and peeking in to help me with last minute tweaking of this blog. As of this week, it's official! We've finally launched my blog for Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Yes, as I mentioned earlier, I have been quietly {...}
How To Build A Great Marketing Kit Series (10) – A Personalized Cover Letter
This is the tenth part of an 11 part series on How To Build A Great Marketing Kit.
Before you read further, you may want to read the introduction here.
Professional marketing kits always contain a personalized cover letter. This allows you to tailor your introduction directly to your potential {...}