Whether you are just starting your private practice or you are a seasoned professional, you and your office are not immune from fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other natural disasters. That's why I've invited Julie Uhernik, RN, LPC to guest post today. {...}
Impact Your Business By Choosing Your Posture
PsyBlog's author, Jeremy Dean, has written an interesting post on how different postures can affect your performance. Take a moment to check it out here and then consider how those postures can actually inform the business (not just the clinical) side of your work. {...}
How Mental Health Professionals Can Justify Their Clinical Fees
In the last week, I've spoken (or emailed) with four new professionals who are each struggling to ask for their desired fees. If you know what the Usual and Customary Fee is for mental health professionals and are still struggling to ask for that fee, then you need to get better at justifying (to {...}
WOW on the Web – Building Trust And Credibility Online
You've got less than 24 hours left to register for my 4-week series (I'm co-hosting with Beth Hayden), WOW on the Web - Building Trust and Credibility Online! If you are not working with as many clients as you would like to be, you may find this webinar series to be exactly what you need to take {...}