Earlier this year I was hanging out with Laura Roeder in Creating Fame when she started talking about the comfort that comes with repetition in our marketing.
I thought about that and realized she's right!
That's why children love to have their favorite stories told to them and then re-told {...}
What Makes Therapy With You Any Different?
Or . . . Why Should I Drive an Extra 10 Minutes to Work with You?
That's what potential clients want to know.
That's why they are picking up the phone and calling you.
They want you to tell them (or else they have to figure it out for themselves) . . . .
What's so special about you?
Do you know {...}
Shattering The Silence Around Suicide Is Part Of Your Job
Robin Williams died this week and it reminded me yet again of how easy it is to make a life and death difference in someone's life and yet how difficult it can be for us to consciously choose to actually do so.
Check out this TedTalk video shared this week by Lauren Ostrowski.
As licensed mental {...}
HIPAA Compliance Myth Busting – Emails, Texts, & Smart Phones (series) – Part 3
OK, gang, so we've been talking about HIPAA and disaster-thinking and what the truth is about using email and text in our practices. Roy Huggins, LPC is back with us today to continue the conversation by dismantling another myth and misuse of terminology related to HIPAA compliance.
(If you are {...}