Hi, gang, and welcome to 2014!
I been busy lining up my training schedule for 2014 and I'm hoping to make it to several of your home towns to meet you in person this year. It's so much fun to get to put real faces with your names and leave you with great solutions to your private practice dilemmas, {...}
Reciprocity Doesn’t Always Mean What You Think It Does
Almost 9 million Americans will move out of state this year. A significant percentage of those will be mental health and allied health professionals. While the American Counseling Association continues to work with licensing boards across all fifty states to make practicing across state lines {...}
Virtual Assistants Can Save Your Sanity And Make You Money, Too
Licensed Professional Counselor Aaron Potratz and I started a conversation back channel after he picked up on my reference in a blog post to working with a Virtual Assistant. He, too, works with a Virtual Assistant and was kind enough to offer writing a guest post talking about some of the {...}
Why You May Not Want To Offer A Free Initial Session
In March, I attended the Association for Women in Psychology’s annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. That’s where I met LeLaina Romero – a post-doctoral feminist clinician working toward licensure as a psychologist at The Meeting Point in Jamaica Plain, Massachussetts. A few days ago she {...}