Thank you to Anne Stewart and Lennis G. Echterling, Ph.D. for providing the following information. Please share this with others so that communities can grieve and heal.
All of us have been deeply affected by the tragic events that have taken place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, {...}
Stress Busters
When You Lose Someone To Suicide (And You Happen To Be A Therapist)
According to the World Health Organization, in the year 2000, approximately 100, 000 people died by suicide around the world. That averages out to be one death by suicide every 40 seconds.
If you are a mental health professional who has been personally affected by someone's death by suicide - a {...}
PPIO Blog Carnival #1 – Creative Responses In Building A Private Practice
Welcome to the inaugural Private Practice from the Inside Out Blog Carnival! Thanks so much to all of the bloggers who submitted articles for this first blog carnival! This is going to be so fun!!!!
Our theme for this blog carnival is Creative Responses in Building a Private Practice. I decided on {...}
How Do You Prevent Burnout In Your Psychotherapy Practice?
It seems that everywhere I go . . . to online discussion lists, in networking groups across town, at professional development workshops, and in working with my own supervisees . . . the topics of wellness, burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue are being talked about by mental health {...}