Here are some Meetup groups for mental health professionals in New York.
NYC Young LGBT Mental Health Professionals & Grad Students
Students & Professionals in Mental Health Fields
The Health & Wellness Professionals Meetup Group
Mental Health Professionals Networking Group
The {...}
Stress Busters
Non-Compete Clauses For Mental Health Professionals
On Friday, I was talking with my colleague, Allen Young, LPC about non-compete clauses. When I got off the phone, I realized that I have not shared this terrific blog post by Thursday Bram with you on how to handle non-compete clauses.
Although this article is not written specifically for mental {...}
“Backing Into Insurance” After A Lapse In Coverage
Have you (or a client) had a lapse in coverage with health insurance? If so, you are probably aware of how difficult and expensive it can be to resume coverage. My colleague, Cheri Hoffer, is a business owner and freelance writer in Boulder, Colorado who has recently shared her own story of {...}
The Balancing Act – Self Care for Mental Health Professionals
Self-care is different from selfishness, self-absorption, or self-indulgence. . . .
Given the fine line between the therapist's personal and professional self, self-denial or self-abnegation is neglectful not only of real self needs, but ultimately of patient care."
~ Ellen K. Baker, Ph.D. {...}