If you believe that working really hard on building your private practice will make you successful and also believe that being successful will then make you really happy, then you may be attempting to build your practice on shaky scaffolding. Check out Shaun Achor's video on TED Talks {...}
Stress Busters
Crossing State Lines As A Mental Health Professional – A Call To Action
The American Counseling Association's online discussion list for professional counselors, COUNSGRAD, has been abuzz this last month with a meaty discussion related to the portability and reciprocity of licenses as counselors move from state to state here in the United States of America.
ACA's Chief {...}
On 13 Insurance Panels And The Phone Isn’t Ringing
Sometimes in trying to get a practice started, it's easy to overlook logical steps. Last month, I received a couple of emails from a reader that I'll call "Stephanie." Stephanie wrote . . .
I am on 13 insurance panels, have been doing everything possible (since April) that I know how to do and {...}
Disaster Planning For Your Private Practice
Whether you are just starting your private practice or you are a seasoned professional, you and your office are not immune from fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other natural disasters. That's why I've invited Julie Uhernik, RN, LPC to guest post today. {...}