Just in case you didn't know . . . check out this quick video on HIPAA's Omnibus Rule.
And, here's where you can find templates for your own HIPAA forms.
Risk Management
18 Clues That Your Work Environment May Be Toxic
Jill Osborne, EDS, LPC and I initially met through blogging about 5 years ago first as e-friends and then eventually we met in person when I was traveling to Georgia to meet with clients.
I have followed Jill’s career as a new mental health professional and watched her grapple with challenges {...}
What To Do When Fear Shows Up In Your Private Practice
I don't pretend to be the right solution to all people who need mental health care and I refuse to make choices about my business based on fear. It's not that I am never tempted . . . . Once in a while, I still am. But the truth is that fear is never a good reason to . . . slide your fees, work {...}
Psychotherapist Beware! Before You Pursue Your Client’s Unpaid Bill . . .
Kendra Docker, MA, NCC , owner of Soul Garden Counseling in Colorado wrote in with the following question . . . .
I was hoping to get your opinion on something. I recently started taking credit cards on a cell phone device (Intuit). One of my clients had a missed appointment charge, then a charge {...}