When you decide to seek clinical consultation, there are 5 things that you should document in your clinical notes. They are the 5 W's:
When you seek consultation;
Why you are seeking consultation and why now;
Who you are seeking consultation from;
What opinions / information / recommendations {...}
Risk Management
How Do You Handle Your Practice’ Needs On Weekends And Off-The-Clock
What is your off-the-clock strategy for managing your private practice?
Do you use an answering service?
Do you remain on call 24/7?
Do you refuse to speak to clients when you are out of the office?
Do you trade off with other professionals?
I'm eager to hear what you do to cover your {...}
Online Etiquette And Professional Communication
You've heard how big a fan I am of online discussion lists for networking. However, ever so often I am reminded of the more frustrating side of a list . . . .
Here's what not to do online. This week on one of the mental health professionals' lists (I subscribe to many), two members started {...}
9 Things To Consider Before You Decide To Do Therapy In Your Church
Carla read my post here and wrote in asking:
What do you do when as a result of finding out that you are a counselor, your church now wants you to provide counseling services to members of the congregation? Or the fact that you have taught classes at ministry events, and as a result some of the {...}