The Basics of Clinical Supervision
Lately, I've found myself in a lot of conversations about clinical supervision.
If you're getting ready to graduate from your clinical program in one of the mental health professions, it's time to start thinking about your own clinical supervision.
Prior to {...}
Tools and Resources
A Tool For You! An Easy-To-Use Time Converter
If your work takes you across time zones (either physically or electronically),
check out this easy-to-use time converter to help you schedule your appointments and meetings accurately.
Got a better tool for converting across time zones? Share it with us here! {...}
Know Your Worth – Setting Fees For Your Practice
Fast Company just sent me their online newsletter with an article (well, really a slide show) titled, "The Kanye Curriculum: 7 Ways to Be a Success."
According to Kanye West, the very first key to success is "Know your worth."
I agree.
For psychotherapists, artists, and healing arts {...}
RED THREAD: What Do You Wish You Had Learned In Graduate School?
How to network stategically . . . .
How to get clients . . . .
How to find a really great supervisor . . . .
What ethical choice points to expect and what to do when they come up . . . .
Why working for a community agency is the smartest choice a new therapist can make . . . .
Why it is {...}