If you are in need of diagnostic codes from the DSM-IV or the ICD-9-CM, check out this handy little website at DoctorCodes.com. By entering the first part of a diagnosis, the site will give you the correct diagnostic code! Quick and sweet! Just make sure you are entering the correct diagnosis to {...}
Tools and Resources
Is Your Baggage From School Getting In The Way?
If you have been marketing to the educational community with little success, you may need to slow down and reassess your own educational history. Your personal relationship with education may be getting in the way . . . .
Linda L. Lawless and G. Jean Wright suggest in their book, How to Get {...}
Be A Wealthy Therapist . . . Free Book Offer
Casey Truffo has extended a generous offer to you on her website . . . . Until 9 pm Eastern / 6 pm Pacific on Sunday December 13th , Casey is inviting you to download her entire 300+ page book, Be a Wealthy Therapist, Make a Living While Making a Difference. You can take advantage of her offer {...}
20 Questions To Ask Other Therapists
When I left employment to begin my own private practice in 1991,
I started by identifying therapists that I believed to be highly successful. Then, I picked up the phone, introduced myself, and asked if I could take them to lunch or coffee to pick their brains about being in private practice. {...}