Being overlooked by the media?
Losing clients to other mental health providers?
Missing opportunities to gain new clients?
Making the wrong choices?
Wasting money on advertising in the wrong places?
Letting new clients slip through your fingers?
Making excuses for the phone not {...}
Advertising | Publicity
3 Ideas For Your Marketing In September
If you've been following AllThingsPrivatePractice from the beginning, then you know that a marketing calendar is one of my secret weapons. Here are a few ideas for your September marketing calendar . . . .
September 16 is Working Parents Day. How about partnering with a drop-in childcare {...}
Five, Four, Three, Two, One: Blog Launch!
OK, gang! I know some of you have been secretly lurking on the sidelines and peeking in to help me with last minute tweaking of this blog. As of this week, it's official! We've finally launched my blog for Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Yes, as I mentioned earlier, I have been quietly {...}
How To Build A Great Marketing Kit (11) – A Pocket Folder
This is the eleventh part of an 11 part series on How To Build A Great Marketing Kit.
Before you read further, you may want to read the introduction here.
If you've followed this series from the start and have gathered your materials along the way, you now need something to put them in. I {...}