If you think that where you locate your office doesn't matter, you are wrong. Research has
shown that the location of your office can make or break your private practice.
The reason location matters is that clients are put off by the perception of geographic barriers. Common geographic {...}
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Online Etiquette And Professional Communication
You've heard how big a fan I am of online discussion lists for networking. However, ever so often I am reminded of the more frustrating side of a list . . . .
Here's what not to do online. This week on one of the mental health professionals' lists (I subscribe to many), two members started {...}
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
If you are looking at your marketing calendar and trying to decide where to focus your energy for the month of October, how about Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
According to the American Cancer Society, almost 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2009. Over 40,000 women {...}
4 Things You Must Know Before You Decide To Advertise (In Print)
For those of you who are new to the health care professions and take advertising for granted, you might be surprised to learn that not so long ago advertising was considered to be unethical for many health care professionals. Last month John Riolo, Ph.D. was writing on the Counselors at Yahoo {...}