Finally! . . . It's TIME!
Beth J. Hayden and I are kicking off our new project with a FREE webinar on How to Develop an Online Marketing Plan for Your Private Practice!
Are you debating about whether or not to put up a website? Agonizing over the content on your site? Have a beautiful website {...}
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An Opportunity To Make A Difference And Grow Your Practice – Borderline Personality Disorder
How Much Longer?
I was listening today as one of the news shows was continuing to talk about the courage that actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has exhibitd by publicly acknowledging that she has Bipolar Disorder. (Approximately 5.7 million adults in America have that same diagnosis.) Here's a list of {...}
3 Great Ideas from Fast Company
Check out these three great ideas from Fast Company to help you build your private practice . . . .
Presentation is Everything by Ruth Sherman was reinforced for me when I attended a workshop taught by Marty Jencius, Ph.D. and Debra London at the American Counseling Association's conference in {...}
Before You Reduce Those Fees . . . .
It may be perfectly all right . . . and even admirable to reduce your fees to accommodate clients' financial needs when you are able. However, before you reduce those fees, take time . . .
To assess your own sense of value and worth. Make sure it's not muddying your decisions about {...}