Beryl Rush Tritel, MSW is a therapist with offices in Jerusalem and Ramat Bet Shemesh in Israel.
She and at least a dozen other therapists have written to me over the last few months asking about the pros and cons and possible ways to package their clinical services and products.
There’s a lot {...}
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How To Build An Amazing Community Around Your Blog
A few weeks ago, my videographer colleague and friend Ernesto Segismundo and I were talking about why it's so important to build a vibrant community online.
Those of you who have already attended BlogStart for Therapists know the answer, right?
When you engage followers of your online work means {...}
40 Online Counseling Directories To Help You Get Found Online
Because you've asked, here is your 2016 updated list of online counseling directories.
However, therapist beware - not all directories are equally useful.
Some are free, many are not.
And, certainly not all get much traffic or result in you getting much traffic to your website or calls to {...}
Running Off At The Mouth On Facebook
Every mental health attorney I have spoken to in the last two decades has expressed concerns about therapists sharing inappropriately or sharing too much on Facebook.
I've spoken to over 300 therapists about this on an individual level.
Some have initiated those conversations with me after {...}