Every mental health professional has an ethical obligation to continue professional development throughout her career. If you are a behavioral health professional who comes into direct contact with members of the military and their families, here is a terrific opportunity to obtain over 19 hours of {...}
Professional Development
Call For Proposals For Colorado Counseling Association’s 2013 Annual Conference
Public speaking is one of the best ways to boost your credibility and your name recognition, too. The Colorado Counseling Association's conference on March 8 - 9, 2013. The conference is small - usually no more than 200 attendees with lots of workshops to choose from.
I think you ought to consider {...}
Free Webinar On New CPT Codes
You asked for it so here it is . . . a FREE webinar highlighting the new CPT Codes that go into effect January 1, 2013. You can get the details and register for it here.
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How Do You Prevent Burnout In Your Psychotherapy Practice?
It seems that everywhere I go . . . to online discussion lists, in networking groups across town, at professional development workshops, and in working with my own supervisees . . . the topics of wellness, burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue are being talked about by mental health {...}