It took me years in private practice before I learned how to effectively handle clients who stood me up or canceled with less than 24 hours notice.
It took me about the same amount of time to learn how to not open a new issue with a client too close to the end of a session and then end on {...}
Professional Development
RED THREAD: What Do You Wish You Had Learned In Graduate School?
How to network stategically . . . .
How to get clients . . . .
How to find a really great supervisor . . . .
What ethical choice points to expect and what to do when they come up . . . .
Why working for a community agency is the smartest choice a new therapist can make . . . .
Why it is {...}
Professional Online Discussion Lists Deserve Your Attention
If you have access to the internet and have not made your way to a discussion list relevant to your profession, you are missing out on a great way to let people learn about you and your services. These electronic mailing lists are typically subject specific and anyone who subscribes to them is {...}
This Month Is Maestro Month! – FREE Training Offered
July is Maestro Month!
You can choose up to 3 FREE personal development trainings from a roster of 60+ experts in personal and professional development during the month of July. Presenters include Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Michael Port, John Assaraf, and more! {...}