Before you even decide where you are going to locate your office, you need to conduct market research on possible locations.
One way to begin that process is to learn about the demographics of different zip codes in your area.
Check out ZipSkinny to help you start your {...}
Professional Development
What Psychotherapists Need To Know About Marketing And The Ethics Of Advertising
Marketing and the Ethics of Advertising is a free 60 minute teleconference offered by CPH and Associates. Take advantage of this free opportunity to learn.
[02-22-11 - Sorry folks - they've moved this teleconference off line!] {...}
35th Annual Conference Of The Association For Women In Psychology
As 2010 gets under way, I hope you're planning for your professional development needs. I am excited to say that will be attending (not presenting at) the annual conference of the Association for Women in Psychology February 11-14, 2010 in Portland, Oregon. AWP is a terrific professional {...}
What They’re Saying . . . About 2009 Annual Series Of Private Practice from the Inside Out
I just realized that many of you are asking about what's happening in the 2009 Annual Series of Private Practice from the Inside Out and I haven't been very good about letting you know. Here's what they're saying after our last session . . . .
It was really good for me to look at my low confidence {...}