Change happens . . . to clients and therapists alike.
In the last month, I've spoken with a lot of therapists about transitions:
Four are in the midst of relocating their practices to new cities or states;
One just lost a pregnancy;
One was just diagnosed with breast cancer;
Seven {...}
Professional Development
The Networking Strategy At Conferences That Graduate Students Are Talking About
Graduate students of mental health often overlook or postpone (beyond their clinical studies) the many opportunities they have in graduate school to prepare for the eventual launch into their own businesses. Building key professional relationships is one of those opportunities that immediately {...}
PPIO Blog Carnival #3 – Top 10’s In Private Practice
Welcome to the ever-so-often Blog Carnival here at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Thanks so much to all of the bloggers who submitted articles for this blog carnival!
The entries this time were AMAZING!
I've pulled out the best of the best entries today to share with you guys.
It's my {...}
Shattering The Silence Around Suicide Is Part Of Your Job
Robin Williams died this week and it reminded me yet again of how easy it is to make a life and death difference in someone's life and yet how difficult it can be for us to consciously choose to actually do so.
Check out this TedTalk video shared this week by Lauren Ostrowski.
As licensed mental {...}