Earlier this year, I had the honor of being interviewed by Dorlee Michaeli, MBA, LMSW on Social Work Career.
We talked about how to Establish Your Private Practice Like a Pro.
The conversation was rich and lengthy and continued even after the post was published.
Here is a follow-up {...}
Social Media | Technology
Guidelines For Psychotherapists Who Have Had Their Intellectual Property Stolen
You Own What You Create
Your website including the images, text, audio and video recordings that were created by you belong to you from the moment that they were created / written until the moment you sign away those rights. When someone chooses to use any of that intellectual property without {...}
5 Ways To Make Your Blog More Skimmable
I've been away from you for a couple of months - visiting family, working face-to-face (Woohoo!) for a change with my coaching clients, taking a few great classes, and gearing up for my next round of BlogStart for Therapists (in 2 weeks).
Oh, yeah . . . and spending a few weeks toodling up and {...}
How to Make Sense of Your Google Analytics
If you haven't yet started using Google Analytics for your own website, here's a tutorial to get you started. It's simple to set up and it's free to use. But once the data starts rolling in, you need to understand what it means. That's why I invited Kelly Higdon to join us today to explain some {...}