Many of you have contacted me to inquire about the usefulness of online directory listings. After hearing Kat Mindenhall's experience with Good Therapy, I decided to invite her to write a guest post to share with you today.
A Guest Post by Kat Mindenhall, LCSW
(If you {...}
Skype-Assisted Therapy – How Secure Is It?
Security Concerns about Skype
Back in October, Dr. Arthur S. Trotzky, a member of the Georgia Therapists Network, brought up on the online discussion list his concerns about the security of using Skype for online counseling. He specifically cited Fast Company's post, Skype's Huge, New Security {...}
The Hazards Of Practicing Mental Health: What Our Colleagues In Mental Health Know . . . That Our Friends And Families Do Not
I was hanging out on Google+ last night when I ran across a link to Stretched, this fabulous post on WhatAShrinkThinks about the tolls of doing business as a mental health professional. The therapist / blogger references terms like "working in secrecy," "empathy-fatigue," and "talking binges."
What {...}
How to Get Mind-Body Tools Reimbursed By Insurance Companies
In addition to being licensed as a Professional Counselor, I am also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist so it should not surprise you to know that I was reading Belleruth Naparstek's blog, Health Journeys today and stumbled across an excellent post she wrote (back in August) on getting {...}