If you believe that working really hard on building your private practice will make you successful and also believe that being successful will then make you really happy, then you may be attempting to build your practice on shaky scaffolding. Check out Shaun Achor's video on TED Talks {...}
Is Your Niche Working With Victims Or Offenders Of Sexual Assault?
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (known as SAAM). If your practice is focused on working with victims or offenders of sexual assault, this is a campaign that you should take advantage of.
Check out this YouTube video on the SAAM campaign.
Looking for ideas about how to incorporate this {...}
Here’s What I’ve Been Up To . . .
I've missed you guys! After three weeks of presenting - first in Denver at the Colorado Counseling Association's annual conference and then at the American Counseling Association's pre-conference Learning Institute, I've been away too long! And, so have you. Welcome back!
Here's a quick peek at {...}
Gone Fishing – Until April 1
OK, that's not exactly true . . . I haven't gone fishing. However, I am taking off the rest of this month to catch my breath and, truthfully, cram in preparation for three presentation due in the next 15 days. I hope you are planning on joining me at . . . .
Private Practice 101: The 20+ Steps to {...}