The Question
Last December, I was involved in several robust conversations with other clinical supervisors about what constitutes "contact hours" for supervisees who are pursuing a license as a Professional Counselor, Clinical Social Worker, or Psychologist. While some states make it very clear {...}
Mustard Seeds & Mega-Gifts: A Community Gratitude Journal On The Way To Building Your Private Practice
Whether the gifts and opportunities are small or they loom large, research shows that those who make a habit of appreciation tend to experience more "gifts." It is also true that as we build our practices, it is sometimes difficult to see the gifts that come along the way. In fact, sometimes it's {...}
Your Digital Footprint Is Behind You
Several months ago I received an email from "Jane." Jane was a reader asking a question about building her practice. She gave me permission to answer it on the blog and include her name. As a token of my appreciation for allowing me to publicly post her inquiry, I offered to link the post back {...}
Troubleshooting For Your Private Practice
Last week I was working with a new client helping her to develop a marketing plan for the next three years. Getting her to tell herself (and me) the truth about her practice was a bit like washing a water-phobic dog! She had access to the information - how much money she was bringing in, how many {...}