For those of you who are blogging to build your businesses, check out Gina Trapani's great list of 10 Tools to Make Your Blog Smarter, Faster, Better. She posted it here at Fast Company.
And, by all means, introduce yourself and leave us a link to your blog! {...}
What Is Your Cancellation Policy?
Have you given any thought to your cancellation policy? If not, you should. Cancellation policies provide clarity for your clients and reinforce professional courtesy and boundaries for you.
It is common for mental health professionals to require a 24-48 hour notice for clients to cancel a {...}
Did They Read It? Email Tracking System
I frequently work with clients post-divorce who
continue to run into difficulties with their ex-spouses. One of my current clients has introduced me to an email tracking system called DidTheyReadIt. This system has helped her verify to the court that she has made appropriate efforts to {...}
The Therapist’s Networking Guide: Myths, Blunders, and Gaffs, Oh My!
This is part of an episodic series, The Therapist's Networking Guide.
To see the previous post in this series, click here.
If you are new to networking or have yet to find your own comfortable way, then taking time to identify myths, typical blunders, and common networking gaffs may ease your {...}