As COVID-19 is ramping up here in Colorado, therapists' phones are ringing off the hook with old clients wanting to re-connect and new clients wanting their first appointments. It happened this way during the AIDS epidemic. It happened this way during the aftermath of 9-11 and the Katrina {...}
4 Ways Therapists Can Use Webinars to Grow Their Practices
This week, I've talked to several therapists who are either eager to get known quickly for the work they are doing or are needing to build platforms to launch their first books.
That's why I thought it might be a good time to ask my favorite marketing strategist Beth Hayden to drop in today to {...}
The Real Value Of Peer Consultation In Private Practice
Jeffrey Kottler writes in his book On Being a Therapist about the hypocrisy of our profession in asking our clients to do what we are unwilling to do ourselves - to make ourselves vulnerable and to ask for and accept help.
While still in graduate school, I was invited to join my colleague and her {...}
What Every Therapist Needs To Know About Service And Emotional Support Animals
In 2017, when I was looking for someone to write a guest post for therapists highlighting the difference between service and emotional support animals, Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Kimberly R. Duff offered to step up and take on the task.
Kimberly is {...}