Rehabilitation Counselor, Jennifer Houck's comments caught my eye on one of my favorite discussion lists when she wrote:
In my counseling program I had a fantastic assessment class . . . . I graduated with the credentials to order, administer and interpret a wide variety of testing instruments. {...}
11 Reasons You Need To Be Using Google Alerts
I was doing some work online last week when I realized that many of you don't know about Google Alerts.
It's free and it's simple to use so if you are reading this, you need to be using Google Alerts.
No, you don't need to have a website in order to use it.
However, if you do have a {...}
The Language Of Managed Care – What To Say And How To Say It
If you have chosen to work directly with managed care companies and now find yourself struggling to work effectively with them, you may not be speaking their language. Theirs is the language of behavioral health care. As such, it focuses on impairments.
Impairments are behavioral dysfunctions. {...}
How To Get On Insurance Panels As A Preferred Provider – Part 3
This is the third of a 3-part series to help ease your way to getting approved as a preferred provider with insurance companies. The series began here.
If you've already engaged in the double-jointed, back-bending, hoop-jumping application process for getting onto insurance panels as a preferred {...}