Welcome to the inaugural Private Practice from the Inside Out Blog Carnival! Thanks so much to all of the bloggers who submitted articles for this first blog carnival! This is going to be so fun!!!!
Our theme for this blog carnival is Creative Responses in Building a Private Practice. I decided on {...}
How Blogging Can Get You More Clients
Hi, gang! I hope you guys know that I'm blogging for you! I hang out right here with you almost every day to give you great information to get you unstuck and motivated to take the next step to grow your private practice.
I'm giving you the good stuff that I know.
I'm listening to where you {...}
Mustard Seeds And Mega-Gifts: A Community Gratitude Journal – October 19, 2012
What are you grateful for?
If you are new to our online community here at Private Practice from the Inside Out, welcome! And, if you have been with us before, welcome back!
As a way of building our "gratitude muscles" and to help our colleagues build theirs, too, every Friday we will be hosting {...}
Free Webinar On New CPT Codes
You asked for it so here it is . . . a FREE webinar highlighting the new CPT Codes that go into effect January 1, 2013. You can get the details and register for it here.
Please use the social media buttons below to share this post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ so that as many {...}